Saturday, August 21, 2010

Blisters Causes And Treatment

Blisters tend to break out on the area of skin where there are frequent rubbing. In response to this rubbing, a fluid filled layer called blister will be developed on the skin. Blisters are filled with a clear liquid called serum. Usually a blister will go away within a week and if it doesn't then you should consult a doctor to get a medication prescribed for the blisters. Sometimes blisters can be caused due to illnesses and medications that you're taking so not all times will a blister be due to friction. The herpes blisters caused by HSV-1 are often referred to as cold sores or fever blisters. Most commonly, it is children between the ages of one and two years old who suffer the most frequent outbreaks, however, they can affect people of any age.

It's important to keep the blister as dry as possible and avoid moisture at all cost, moisture will add fuel to the fire it seems. You don't want to walk around with a blister on your face so treatment at the earliest sign of detection would be suggested. Foot blisters can have a variety of originating causes. The friction against the skin from a shoe- abrasive socks, or hosiery are examples. They can develop on any part of the foot, even the tips of your toes. A particular culprit can be new leather shoes! Tonsil stones and tongue blisters if found are diagnosed and assessed by physicians after going through the medical history of the sufferer, a thorough physical examination is done, bacteriological cultures tested, blood sample tested and then also checked using x-rays. When a single area of skin is repeatedly rubbed over extended period of time, a tear forms under the outer layer of skin (epidermis), causing fluid to leak through and become trapped between layers of skin.

In order to make sure that you are doing your best to prevent foot blisters, ensure that your running shoes fit properly. Buy shoes that are used only for your treadmill workout. They should be a ½ size bigger than your other shoes, and give plenty of room for your toes. Rinsing your mouth with a wash made from baking soda will prove soothing and increasing your intake of Vitamin C has been known to reduce the severity and longevity of the outbreak. A blister is actually a separation of the epidermis from the dermis or a separation within the dermis itself. Many times friction blisters come and go. However, if left untreated they can cause an infection and increase your recovery time needed to heal.

It is better to leave blisters uncovered, but if something is rubbed against it, you can cover it with a loose, adhesive bandage or dressing until it heals. A large blister can be covered with a larger adhesive bandage with a porous, plastic-coated gauze pad. Symptoms of Fever blister start with itching, soreness and tingling in a day or two, after that appears small, red and painful blisters and usually located on the skin of the lips, mouth, and face.

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Gall Bladder Stone

The gall bladder is a non-descript organ that is found very close to the liver in the human body. The main function of this organ is to help the liver to absorb fat by gathering and accumulating bile. It is expected to let this matter into small intestines and the stomach as and when the need arises. Urinary stones, bladder stones and struvite crystals are different names for the same condition. Made up of minerals (ammonium urate, struvite, cystine calculi and calcium oxalate) that build up in the urethra and block it, they making urination difficult and painful for your pet.

When there is a bladder stone, the muscles in the gall-bladder and the duct contract trying to make the stone move producing intense pain in the right side of the abdomen. The main symptom of the stone is a dull pain in the upper abdomen especially after having had a fatty meal. A frequent cause of infection of the bladder is insufficient urine production, for instance in hot weather. If this cleaning mechanism of the bladder is interrupted, for example because of loss of water in the form of sweat, the bacteria will not be flushed out of the bladder often enough and will get time to multiply. Kidney stones have now been repeatedly produced in animals deficient in magnesium. Each increase in magnesium decreased the number of stones. Oxalic acid remained high, however, as long as vitamin B6 was lacking.

The reasons why stones form or are prevented from forming by these diets are not yet clear. It is known that vitamin A is quickly destroyed in the absence of vitamin E; that without vitamin A, millions of dying cells from mucous membranes covering the walls of the gall bladder slough off into the bile; and that stones form around a base of organic material. Many bladder problems are hard to diagnose due to factors such as size or localization. A great majority of carcinomas of the urinary bladder are either undetectable with standard imaging techniques, or cannot be definitively differentiated from non-malignant carcinomas. Urine is a filtrate from the blood. The kidneys require blood pressure to force this filtration of the blood. Once the kidneys process the filtrate, it becomes urine. This then passively flows down to thin tubes, called the ureters, one ureter for each kidney.

The two types of stones normally seen are the cholesterol stones caused by cholesterol and the pigment stones caused by the bile juice. The two can be differentiated on their colour. There is another category called the mixed stones which may be formed due to the cholesterol and the bile juice together. For larger stones the gall bladder may be removed by abdominal surgery. After it has been removed bile is no longer stored in the body and when the liver produces bile it will flow from the liver through the common bile duct and out into the small intestine. Gall bladder symptoms are often quite painful, and so it is therefore important to know what can be done to relieve the pain, even temporarily until you find a more long term solution. The first thing you should do is change your diet.

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Friday, August 20, 2010

Mercury Poisoning Facts

Despite much published information on the matter most people still don't really understand the possible link between mercury poisoning and autism. And this is understandable, due to the highly controversial and conflicting nature of the published material. Mercury poisoning does not get as much attention as, say, lead poisoning. Partly because lead poisoning from China has received so much attention and partly because people just don't hear about mercury as much as they used to, mercury poisoning has received decreasing attention. Because it is now known to cause health issues, most things no longer contain mercury unless absolutely necessary.

There has been much controversy in recent years over the presence of mercury in seafood, caused largely by mercury emptied into the sea by humans. Since mercury is difficult to dispose of correctly, many people wash it down the drain, where it then makes its way into the sea. Treatment for poisoning varies. In most cases, an individual will have to wash his or her skin with soap and water and flush his or her eyes with saline solution. After this, doctors may have methods for removing mercury that has been ingested. Mercury intake is a health risk when overdone. Mercury itself is a mineral known to be a neurotoxin. Too much of it in the body causes brain and nerve damage, and has been linked to Alzheimer's disease, autism, kidney damage, and other neurological disorders.

Conversely, the majority of medical professionals more widely agree that autism is a psychological disease, not a physical one. But biomedical experts claim that the psychological symptoms exhibited by autistic children secondary symptoms due to damage of the nervous system. The continued use of mercury based preservatives in vaccines is dangerous and drug companies know it. However, instead of removing the mercury, some have used 30 to 50 times as much as the EPA set for the highest limit. You should also keep in mind the recommended dosage of fish oil capsules. Normally 3 to 4 capsules are enough to fulfill a day's needs. However, if you are severely omega 3 deficient, your doctor may prescribe a dosage of 4 to 5 capsules a day. The recommended daily allowance is typically 3 to 4 capsules and they will provide enough Omega 3s that is necessary for good health. If an extreme Omega 3 deficiency is found, up to 5 capsules daily can be consumed to remedy it.

To show that a person is poisoned by mercury, a researcher must show increased amounts of mercury in tissues in the body or urine, and people with dental fillings do not have increased amounts of mercury in their tissues or urine. High levels of mercury in the body can hurt the neurological and cardiovascular parts of the body and even cause some damage. So you need to avoid consuming too much mercury. Homeopathic remedies such as clay baths, herbs, minerals, algae, large doses of vitamin C, and coriander are sometimes used. These remedies are harmless in moderation, but do not offer the same detox effects as Liquid Zeolite.

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Kidney Pain And Back Pain

Back pain can come from a variety of possible causes. Typically it results from spine or muscle issues. But sometimes, neither of these is the real source of your discomfort. There are several ways to determine which one is being suffered by a patient. The first is to simply recall if there has been "trauma" or direct injuries inflicted to the back like falling or vehicular accident. If this is the case, the pain may not be kidney related. Kidney pain can be brought on by many different medical conditions. Please consider that simply having one of these does not mean that there will be kidney pain in the individual, so these conditions could be present despite a lack of the pain.

Because kidney pain can be experienced as lower back pain, it is a good idea to perform the test above as an early diagnostic tool. Problems with the kidneys can spread to other areas of the body and cause pain in unrelated areas. When the urine flow to the bladder becomes blocked, pressure is placed upon the kidneys by the urine. Urinary tract obstruction can be caused by different underlying conditions. Kidney pain is a common symptom of PKD. Other potential symptoms include items such as: hypertension (a term for high blood pressure), red blood cells in patient's urine (hematuria), kidney failure, urinary tract infections, and others. You also may see blood in your urine. This is caused by the blockage in your urinary track. Along with blood, your urine my be cloudy and have a bad odor. A burning sensation is often common when urinating.

The bottom line is that you want to get the right information about what might be creating your pain symptoms - do not self-diagnose. A kidney infection left untreated for many years can have catastrophic implications for your health. If, on the other hand, you have a stretched, torn or twisted muscle, the pain will be specific to the area. The pain may occur either in the lower back, or between shoulder blades, below the waist or over the spinal column. Kidney stones sometimes pass out of your body when you urinate, especially if you drink a lot of water. When this happens, it's truly a blessing. Discomfort stops immediately. Kidney stone analysis is a test done on a kidney stone to see what chemicals are in it. The test is done on a kidney stone that has been passed in the urine or removed from the urinary tract during surgery.

Finally, pains due to stones are momentarily and quickly gone especially if the stones have already passed entirely and exited through urine. Muscular back pains however tend to linger until the injuries are fully healed. Maybe if you are suffering from back pains around the kidney and yet you have not had an injury in the recent past, it is time you consulted your doctor because it could be likely that you have some kidney infections. Again, these types of pain are more painful and are experienced inside of where the muscles are located. Heat compressions and massage will help you deal with side back pain from common culprits like joint or muscle pain.

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Ulcer Symptoms And Treatment

The peptic ulcer damages the lining of either the stomach or the duodenum.The symptoms of indigestion caused by peptic ulcers may harm a person by a severe pain.They can be treated with medicines, but without treatment serious complications may appear. The stomach ulcer often presents itself in folks that take anti-inflammatory medications, smoke or drink alcohol. There is still some controversy as to whether stress causes stomach ulcers or not. Doctors usually add the term peptic because such ulcers develop only in the areas of the digestive system that come in contact with pepsin, an enzyme that breaks down proteins. Therefore it's important that as much people as possible know the facts about ulcer and know how to discover if they are suffering from it as fast as possible, because the sooner it's discovered the easier the treatment is and furthermore, the chances that complications appear are close to zero when ulcer is in it's early stage .

An ulcer is considered the breach over the surface of the skin or on the membrane on the lining a cavity such that stomach ulcer. A stomach ulcer is considered the small hole in the gastrointestinal tract. The most common type of ulcer is duodenal and this occurs in the first 12 inches of small intestine that is beyond the stomach. There are two types of ulcers that people think of as stomach or peptic ulcers, the gastric ulcer which is actually formed in the stomach and the duodenal ulcer which forms beyond the stomach and the first foot of the small intestine. Some of the common symptoms associated with stress ulcers include nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, weight loss, and fatigue. You may also experience a gnawing or burning pain in your abdomen - most likely between the breastbone and the navel.

The most common ulcer symptoms are sourness, pain and burns at the abdominal level. Many people tend to disregard these first ulcer symptoms, considering that their internal discomfort may be due to stress and fatigue. Each individual is different and ulcer symptoms can be similiar of differ greatly to one another. The doctor may prescribe a triple-treatment of antibiotics to destroy the bacteria responsible for your ulcers. The course of treatment usually runs two to three weeks, and some patients need to take medication for up to eight weeks. The lining of the stomach contains special cells, chemicals and mucous that prevent the stomach from being damaged by its own acids and digestive enzymes.The ulcer can be small or deep. If a person who is suffering from a ulcer does not receive the right kind of treatment then further complications could arise. They may find themselves suffering from a bleeding ulcer in which the ulcer has eaten into the blood vessels and blood has been able to enter the digestive tract.

Getting an ulcer is painful, it's inconvenient, and it may be time-consuming to get it under control. Watch for warning signs like rectal bleeding, which may look like black or tarry stools. If you have any of these symptoms, it is recommended that you seek medical attention immediately. These ulcer symptoms are common among other diseases/illnesses.

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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Common Symptoms Of Dehydration

With summer in full swing, the time you spend outdoors has increased tremendously. Summer is the season for outdoor barbecues, lawn parties, fresh fruits and vegetables, lawn and garden maintenance, swimming and pool parties. Because dehydration occurs on several levels including cellular. When you are dehydrated, the very cells that populate every organ & system of your body, are dehydrated. When dehydrated, our internal cleansing system becomes congested and stagnates like dirty dish water. It's amazing how much importance we place on cleaning the outside of our body, and how little importance we place on cleaning the inside!

Dehydration symptoms may include headaches, muscle cramps, visual impairment and lowered blood pressure or hypotension. Even dizziness and fainting can be dehydration symptoms and in extreme cases delirium and unconsciousness have been known to become present. More serious body fluid losses, ones that are difficult to rebalance fluid intake at the time, are excessive bleeding, purging (vomiting and/or diarrhea) and sweating. If you are nursing and don't ensure your replacement fluid intake is increased, you can also suffer. These signs and symptoms include: a dry mouth, thick saliva, flushed or red face, warm, dry skin with little to know sweat, trouble urinating or urinating a smaller amount than usual, urine that is dark, feeling dizzy which increases when you stand, feeling week, no tears when crying, headaches, feeling sick, being tired or sleepy, feeling irritable.

There is considerable evidence that more and more people are affected by dehydration and electrolyte imbalances. Their cases range from mild and severe. Just living in excessive heat can cause the body to become dehydrated. The quickest fix for dehydration is balancing the electrolytes. The first sign indicating that you are dehydrated is thirst. The second best indicator is the color of your urine. If it is pale yellow in color, you are properly hydrated. However, if your urine is dark yellow or concentrated in color, it is a sign that you may be dehydrated. The pain and joint swelling that is so often associated with chronic fatigue syndrome can also be the result of joint dehydration. The cartilage that protects the surface of our bones at the joints is made up of a lot of water.

Dehydration in sick children is often a combination of both -- refusing to eat or drink anything while also losing fluid from vomiting, diarrhea, or fever. The best treatment for minor dehydration is drinking water and stopping fluid loss. Symptoms in skin include oily skin, slow healing due to reduced metabolic rate, sallow looking skin (dull skin tone/ colour), infections due to pimples developing and not healing which could eventually result in acne. Also, the skin tends to have a thick, rubbery texture accompanied by deep seated wrinkles and an over all unhealthy pallor. The symptoms of mild dehydration will consist of chronic pains in several parts of your body and will be followed by certain condition such as headaches and constipation. Besides, you should be careful of the strong odor of your urine and this condition is commonly followed by the yellow or amber color of the urine itself.

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Information On Reiki Healing

Reiki uses a healing touch to create feelings of deep relaxation and inner peace, providing the body with an ideal environment to maximize its natural healing processes and allows relief of all kinds of physical and mental distress, from a backache to the blues. If you decide to take Reiki healing courses, you will learn to accept and use this energy source. You will first learn to heal yourself, if that is needed. And then learn to use Reiki energy in your every day life to achieve any goal that you want. Reiki is a simple, safe, and natural method that can be used for your own spiritual and self improvement as well as helping others. When Reiki is used on yourself it can help with the revitalization of your mind and body.

The Reiki healing source is the same source that is used in Ayurvedic Medicine, which is a legitimate and nationally recognized branch of medicine in India. It is the same source used in traditional Chinese Medicine, known as qi or chee. A reiki healing is so simple to perform. The practitioner will just put his hands on the person to be healed and has the intention of healing to occur. Then the energy will start to flow to the person, and the energy will know where to go, and know what to do once it gets there. The Reiki practitioner's hands are usually placed for about three to five minutes over each position before moving on to the next position. There is a precise way to do this which is why this healing art must be learned. Many hospitals use aroma therapy to help reduce recovery time after surgery. Massage and other forms of physical therapy are considered absolutely necessary for patients recovering from injuries or surgical procedures.

The secrets aren't exactly a "big secret". In fact healing in Reiki is manifested instantly the moment a patient is touched with the hands of a practitioner. It is testified in the manner a practitioner lives his life before and after Reiki touched him. It is in the way he communicates with you. A Reiki session is also something you can give to a friend, relative or pet so they can be at their best. There are people herbalists and animal herbalists, people doctors and animal doctors, but Reiki being universal energy flows into all life forms. By treating the whole person Reiki healing is a simple, safe and natural method of spiritual healing that can be used to treat virtually any illness.

Most of the Reiki healing programs will also include a mastery course, which will give people the ability and the expertise needed to teach others how to use Reiki for energy healing. Being able to master this ancient technique provides an opportunity for people to experience a higher quality of life. It is no surprise that people wonder is Reiki healing legitimate. At one time, the fundamentals of this type of medicine were kept secret. High fees were charged for training and for healing. The secrecy and fee structure alone were enough to draw criticism.

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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Sciatica Pain Relief

If you're looking for sciatica pain relief, it's pretty likely that you're having a really hard time finding something that works for you. Part of the reason for this is due to the fact that while your sciatic nerve originates in the lower back, you might be feeling pain as far down as your feet. Many muscles and movements can irritate this nerve causing sciatica pain relief to feel out of reach. Severe sciatica pain relief may be possible through therapy and the use of prescription painkillers. Acute sciatica is for those patients suffering for symptoms less than 6 weeks while chronic pain has lasts more than 6 weeks. Sciatica is not a genetically back pain only as with sciatica the pain travels down both legs into the feet.

Even in more moderate cases sciatica can hamper regular activity, creating frustration and stress. Finding an effective form of sciatica pain relief will vary from person to person just as the symptoms of sciatica differ in individuals. The inflammation of the nerve causes your pain. For this reason, your doctor has prescribed you anti-inflammatory drugs to calm down the inflammation of the sciatic nerve which in turn reduces the pain. The best treatment for sciatica differs from person to person. Some doctors see their patients performing better with constant medication while others patients perform better with exercise therapy and training with a physical therapist. For those looking for sciatica pain relief the causes may be many, but which treatment work best.

One of the most popular methods to relieve sciatica pain is to do physical therapy. There is a broad range of workouts and exercises available that help the body to restore it's lost strength. Stretches are also very popular for sciatica pain relief. In very severe cases of sciatica surgery is used as a form of pain relief. However this is seen as a last step measure and doctors would try to treat the condition in other ways initially. It's important to understand that sciatica refers to symptoms; it is not a medical diagnosis. Sciatica symptoms include tingling, dull aching pain, and/or a burning sensation. The pain, regardless of the type radiates or you experience in a range on one side of your lower body, anywhere from your hip to the foot.

Ice compress packs work great and they are very easy to make. The bad news are that it won't cure you but they are great for a quick sciatica pain relief! Just take some ice or even frozen vegetables and apply it on the back. Massage - we all love massages, not only it feels good but it's also excellent for a quick sciatica pain relief. And of course, there is surgery. But let's be real, who wants that? That torture should only be reserved for those who have tried absolutely everything else and still cannot function because of the pain. When it returns it usually gets worse with each episode and this is why so many people complain about constant nagging back pain. Sciatica commonly becomes more severe as the time passes and eventually surgery becomes the only valid option.

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How To Boost Your Metabolism

More and more people are realising that they can boost their metabolism and make weight loss a lot easier for themselves. The metabolism is a mechanism that is put into place to control the amount of fat and calories that are used up at any one time. Your metabolic rate defines how quickly you burn calories and thus, how quickly you can lose weight. If you want to lose excess body fat, boosting your metabolism naturally is the best way to do it. The key is to increase your muscle mass. There are various other benefits found in boosting one's metabolism. One of the lesser known secrets is that boosting your metabolism will increase the quality and duration of your life.

Metabolism is the amount of energy (calories) your body burns to maintain itself. Whether you are eating, drinking, sleeping, cleaning etc... your body is constantly burning calories to keep you going. Boost metabolism would result in taking in much liquid so weight loss would occur bit by bit. The suggested weight loss of 1 to 2 pounds per week is really conceivable... By increasing your metabolism you're giving the body a need to have more amount of protein. It is often thought that a balanced diet is enough to meet our nutritional concerns. In many cases it does, but there are vitamins that boost your metabolism which you may not be aware of and they can be easily incorporated into your weight loss regime.

If you choose a low calorie weight loss plan and suddenly reduce the amount of calories you eat, your body will respond by slowing down your metabolism. It will simply conclude that food is in short supply and try to save energy. For instance, let's say you have two persons who are have same height and weight. One exercises on a regular basis with weights, in addition to aerobic exercise, and has a considerably low percentage of body fat. This basically refers to how the body operates in order to maintain its life. In other words, it is the metabolism that delivers the energy for our organs to function. One way the body does this is through turning food into energy through the calories we consume. However, there a number of opportunities in most workplaces which lend themselves to exercise. Your lunch break is the perfect time to go for a walk, or if long enough to have a quick gym session.

You should eat often but try keeping the portions in moderation, meaning instead of three full meals a day try having six half meals a day. When you break your meals into smaller portions it gives your body time to burn down the food quicker. Women are at a slight disadvantage because they are not built for huge muscles, although the fact is that by building muscle - regardless of your gender - you're naturally boosting your metabolism. Women and men alike will benefit from exercises that work the muscles. A lot of people will not have breakfast every morning. In fact, you must understand the importance of this meal. Breakfast can give you the energy you need in order to keep your metabolic rate high throughout the day.

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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Sprained Ankles Causes And Treatment

Sprained ankles are very common and repeated sprains can lead to a swollen, painful ankle, problems walking on rough ground and the risk of re-injury. It contains tendons and ligaments that are at risk of being stretched or torn when the foot is forced to land in unnatural positions. This can occur whilst playing running, walking, playing sports or even undertaking everyday activities. If you are pretty much immobile, then icing is a good idea for the first 36 hours. The problem is that this is all most people do. This is just the very beginning step toward rehabilitating the ankle.

Even recreational off-road runners contend with ankle sprains due running over uneven surfaces. However, an ankle sprain does not need to keep you out of the gym. Always remember to talk to your doctor before engaging in exercise after injury. An ankle sprain can be treated by reducing the inflammation. Using ice is the most effective way of reducing inflammation and swelling. If ice is applied as soon after the injury as possible, it can help to prevent much of the inflammation from occurring. If your legs or feet go numb when you are running, then 90% of the time you will have one of two problems. The first cause for numb feet or legs is that you have your shoes laced too tightly. While it is possible that you are cutting off circulation at the ankle, the more likely problem comes from having the laces pulled too tightly near your toes.

Excess fluid accumulates in your feet due to the weight and position of the baby in the womb. This usually occurs in the third trimester. Extreme stress or inflammation on the plantar fascia, the ligament that holds up your arch occurs due to excessive pronation and a pre-pregnancy flexible flat foot. Increased weight in your pelvis can compress the veins reducing circulation to your feet. Tips for prevention of cramps: increase circulation by rotating your ankles and walking your cramps out. Stretch your calves daily make sure you are taking your prenatal vitamins to ward off any electrolyte imbalances, and exercise. You do need to take some precautions with ice, though. Never put ice directly on the injury...always wrap it in a towel first. Keep ice on for no more that 20 minutes and then wait at least 40 minutes before you use it again.

If the ankle has not healed properly, the sufferer may experience a feeling that their ankle is 'giving way' when they try to use it again. If they try to undertake their former activities too soon, or try to exercise at a high intensity, they are placing themselves at risk of further ankle sprain. Well, by just icing, elevating and resting your ankle, you can see that you are not properly rehabilitating the muscles and joint. As a result, your ankle will be weaker, less flexible, there will be impaired neuromuscular communication. The physio may use manual therapy for joint stiffness or pain and this allows the physiotherapist to improve the joint gliding movements and allow more normal joint mechanics.

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Cavity Filling Pain

It is not true that conventional dental treatments and fluoride are the only ways to heal your teeth from cavities. When struck with the diagnoses of a dental cavity, most people feel totally helpless or powerless to do anything about it themselves. The severity of a toothache can range from mild to chronic and excruciating. The pain may be aggravated by chewing or by extreme cold or heat. A thorough oral examination, including dental x-rays, can help determine the cause, whether the toothache is coming from a tooth or a jaw problem. Tooth decay happens when either of the oral care procedure is forgotten. Dental cavities result from plaque and bacteria build up in your teeth and gum area.

The most popular known cause of toothache, other than dental cavity, is by gum disease. Vitamin C deficiency causes the gums to be soft and swollen, resulting to an abnormal loss of the bone surrounding the tooth. A cavity will not form over night, but instead go through a process which results in the cavity. The bacteria in your mouth can become harmful which creates an acid that causes the creation of a hole in your tooth. A dentist uses the reflection of light from the laser to tell the difference between healthy and decayed teeth. When a tooth is healthy, the reflected light easily infiltrates it, however when a tooth has decay the light has a difficult time passing through the tooth.

Some sugars that you consume can be converted by the bacteria in your mouth into acid, which in turn causes the holes in your teeth. Shallow cavities that are very small are not painful and usually go unnoticed until they become deeper and start to collect food. Small shallow cavities that do not sink deep into the pulp may not cause pain and may be unnoticed by the patient. In fact most of us have several "worn" spots at any given time. Depending on the specialization, there are different types of dentists. For example, general dentists deal with the treatment of various dental conditions. On the other hand, family dentists are often for maintaining the oral health of all members of the family.

A few simple ways to temporary avert the pain being felt is to intake analgesics. Analgesics are painkillers formulated to relieve pain for a short while and people are not advised to take painkillers on a regular basis, as have potentially hazardous effects on the liver. Dentists have special instruments they use to fight cavities away from your teeth. With a very small drill our dentist removes the damaged part of the tooth and then fills the small hole with a material called filling to prevent further decay. There is a sensitivity issue that you can get from a new filling. Since some fillings are made of metal, they absorb heat and cold differently from a natural tooth. This means that when eating something hot that the filling itself can physically become more hot than the teeth around it.

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Monday, August 16, 2010

Light Therapy For Skin

Light therapy for acne is a new treatment which incorporates laser surgery. If you are seeking relief from acne, the desired course of treatment depends on the severity of the condition. In this therapy, also known as blue photodynamic therapy, affected areas of the face are exposed to blue light from a special source (a lamp with the appropriate filament/filter), without the use of creams, drugs or any additional procedures. An Acne blemish results when sebaceous hair follicle (pore) becomes clogged with dead skin cells that have not sloughed off. The residual cells become sticky and clump together to form a plug which traps oil and bacteria inside the follicle.

Light therapy is designed to help mild to moderate cases of inflammatory acne--the kind with lots of redness. It's not for cystic or nodular forms of acne. It also may not work for women who have hormonally-related acne. There are several forms of light therapy or phototherapy used successfully for Psoriasis, alone or in conjunction with topical or ingested medications. Light therapy involves exposing the skin to wavelengths of ultraviolet light. Actually, the light treatment is a LED light therapy, a technology that has been scientifically proven to improve skin issues like acne, aging, hyperpigmentation. 9 out of 10 persons using light therapy see their skin condition getting better.

Age spots and wrinkles around the skin can be handled. This is especially useful for the face where many things can be easily noticeable. The texture of one's skin can also be smoothed out so that it will look nicer. Not all kinds of light are good for the skin. For instance, the ultraviolet light of the sun can do damage to the skin, and can cause acne break outs. In phototherapy, dermatologists use safe wavelengths of light in order to treat acne and other skin conditions. Ultraviolet Phototherapy is commonly used in patients that suffer from psoriasis. Patients generally engage in this type of light therapy in the office of the doctor that they see on a regular basis. You can get Light therapy for acne and treatments are often offered through a dermatologist center. This usually takes the form of monthly treatments as acne is an ongoing problem for many. There are now hand held devices available that can be purchased for the home.

Light therapy for acne is the most effective way in which you can treat your acne condition using laser surgery. Check it out for yourself to determine if this is the method of treatment you wish to take. The effectiveness of a particular treatment may vary with person to person, and the intensity of the problem may require a custom schedule for the blue light treatment, with or without the use of photosensitizes, with varying intensities of the light and a period of treatment that may vary from one to six weeks. The infrared light treatment can be administered in several forms either under doctor's care or on your own. There is no prescription required to buy equipment needed for infrared light therapy.

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Myasthenia Gravis Cure

Myasthenia Gravis is a muscle-related condition that can gravely affect a person's ability to maintain his oral hygiene. This is due to the fact that the patient normally has weakened muscles on the face, making it extremely hard for them to make the necessary movements needed when brushing one's own teeth. "In myasthenia gravis, there's a breakdown in communication between your nerves and your muscles. The culprit is your immune system. For unknown reasons, myasthenia gravis causes your immune system to produce antibodies that block or destroy many of the receptor sites for acetylcholine in your muscles.

The treatments of this disease focus on altering one's immune system so that fewer antibodies are produced and therefore the muscle can rebuild its acetylcholine receptors. Perhaps the most commonly used initial medication is prednisone. This particular disease is somewhat difficult to diagnose. The symptoms of Myasthenia Gravis are alike many other nuerological disorders, and even normal occurences. If all symptoms of Myasthenia are present then it is clear, but if not, even testing can be very inaccurate. The belief is that most of the phenomenon of tolerance develops during the preprocessing of T lymphocytes in the thymus and B lymphocytes in the bone marrow. The reason for this is that the injection of a strong antigen into a fetus at the time of preprocessing of lymphocytes in these two areas will prevent lymphocyte clones specific to the antigen in lymphoid tissue.

The Ayurvedic treatment of myasthenia gravis is aimed at reducing the symptoms and correcting immune dysfunction. To treat the basic condition, medicines which have neuromuscular activity are used. These include Yograj-Guggulu, Trayodashang-Guggulu, Kaishor-Guggulu, Sinhanaad-Guggulu, Ekangveer-Ras, Vat-Gajankush-Ras, Agnitundi-Vati, Vish-Tinduk-Vati and Tapyadi-Loh. Much has been learned about the pathophysiology and immunopathology of myasthenia gravis during the past 20 years. What was once a relatively obscure condition of interest primarily to neurologists is now the best characterized and understood autoimmune disease. So once again, it's up to us to use some common sense and realise that our bodies cannot stay healthy and disease free when we spend year after year abusing them with poor nutrition, little exercise, chronic stress, etc.

As with any neuro-related disorders, a person suffering from this condition may even require the assistance of a caregiver to help him manage his overall dental hygiene. They are usually strong in the morning and weak throughout the day. Exercise and repeated movements make their condition worse. Symptoms become severe with menstruation, emotional stress, exposure to sunlight, infections and certain medications. Due to green harvesting of fruits and vegetables, toxins in the air, food, and water, and the processing of our foods, the health of the world today is on a decline and we must supplement vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, amino acids, and now it has been shown that we also need the glyconutrients.

Employ the advice of a suitable practitioner for appropriate diet. A diet consisting of fresh and raw food will beat any other diet when it comes to health improvement - it is advised to get assistance. Skeletal Muscle fibres are activated exclusively by the nervous system, whereas, smooth muscle can be stimulated to contract by multiple types of signals such as nervous signals, hormonal stimulation, stretch of the muscle and some other ways.

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Keloids Scar Treatment

You will find various kinds of scars that may vary from small imperfections up to the more serious and constricting kinds. The type of treatment method you utilize will be based significantly upon the sort of scar as well as the degree of the injury. Keloids are asymptomatic, but in some cases may cause disfigurement and cosmetic concern. Occasionally, they appear when the scar or the wound that is healing was not observed and taken care of properly. Keloid scars can develop from any type of wound, be it a cut, burn, or inflammatory reaction such as acne. As they develop, they begin to grow past the edges of the original site of damage and may sometimes keep growing for several years.

Nothing makes a keloid scar go away. There is no cure for the piled-up, red, painful heaped-up scar tissue. Keloids are notoriously difficult to treat, and commonly come back after treatment and appear at any wound site. Disfigured earlobes, bumps on nostrils, lumps on lower lips, double lumps at the eyebrow, and unsightly navel scars frequently require treatment. Some people might never have known they were prone to keloid scars if they hadn't pierced some part of their body. A topical treatment offers a simple route to flattening and fading these unique scars. The process involves little risk in exchange for often rewarding results. Gels and creams rubbed on the scar help to diminish both the size and color of the scar. Other treatments vary in technique, cost and results. The unexplainable and uncomfortable scars cause keloid sufferers despair, but choosing a treatment need not be a desperation play.

A good investigation of keloid treatment techniques likely leads to information on silicone. Silicone products are applied over the scar to afford protection from natural elements and delivery of silicone which will help it heal more efficiently. Laser and radiation treatment are an additional solution that will help you cope with keloids. Laser therapy involves utilizing a laser to create a shallow peel. One of the most common ways in keloid treatment is surgery. Though, most skin experts contend that keloids still have chances of returning. Laser therapy is a commonly used for keloid treatment. A pulsed-dye laser can effectively flatten keloids and reduce the redness they present. However, if you do decide to undergo this type of treatment you should know that it may require several sessions before you can see positive results.

Keloids are an abnormal response to a wound. Any wound leaves a scar. Why some bodies over-correct the amount of replacement tissue is the mystery. Much research is centered on getting at the exact process of normal and abnormal scar formation. Application of tea tree oil has been found effective for acne keloids. Among the various acne keloid naturist treatments, using vinegar is one of the efficient methods. Apple cider vinegar is used for this purpose. This is made by fermenting apple juice. If the scar starts to thicken, it may be time to go to the dermatologist for a steroid injection. A series of these can reduce the size of keloid scars in hopes of removing them completely.

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Best Exercises For Pregnant Women

Exercise for pregnant women has always been beneficial. If you ever doubted the benefits of exercise, then ERASE all that doubt from your mind COMPLETELY and hear me out. The way to any healthy life style, pregnancy period included, is having some sort of activity involved in your day. It not only helps you avoid those awful back and joint pains, but can aid in your breathing and help you have a swifter less painful labour. It also stands you in good stead when trying to get back into shape after your baby has been born. In putting together an exercise program for pregnant women, most doctors stress the need to maintain healthy muscle tone, promote good circulation and build stamina.

Standing with your back against a wall, slide down the wall into a squat position. Then squat back up. Do that for 3-4 sets of 10 reps. Depending on what area of your thighs you most want to work, move your feet in or out. Exercises for pregnant women can be found a lot either at online bookstore or offline bookstore. Some of the books will mention about body ball workout. It is actually perfect for pregnant moms who want to build their core strength or tone the troubled areas such as bum, hips, and thighs. Wear the right shoes for walking especially that now you are pregnant always wear shoes that are comfortable to you so you wouldn't injure yourself. So buy good shoes.

It is absolutely necessary that you remain fit, hale and hearty during your pregnancy. Judicious combination of healthy diet and easy workouts could be extremely beneficial for your health during pregnancy. At the same time it will be good for the child in the womb as well. The best exercises for expectant mothers that will help increase and strengthen their cardiovascular system are walking, swimming and dancing. Walking is the simplest and easiest exercise for pregnant mothers. Exercises for pregnant women can range from simple stretches to squats and lifts.

There are very few people who realize the importance of exercise during pregnancy. People either go one way or the other. Either they do not exercise at all during pregnancy, which can lead to back problems, weight gain, and a decline in cardiovascular health, or else they exercise too much. Pregnant or not, regular exercise boost your energy and keeps you healthy all throughout your pregnancy. It also helps your body adapt to the changes that is happening during this time. Calcium is vital to the growth of bones and teeth. Remember to take in at least four servings of calcium rich dairy products. This will ensure that you get approximately 1200 mg of calcium every day.

One of the best exercises for pregnant women is swimming. Because water offers a natural feeling of buoyancy, most pregnant women feel more comfortable in the pool. Adequate blood supply is a very important aspect of keeping fit. During pregnancy, it is vital to ensure a normal blood supply to all the organs of the body. The pumping of heart is responsible for this. You can maintain adequate blood supply with the help of cardiovascular exercises.

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Friday, August 13, 2010

Appendicitis Symptoms And Treatment

Every time you experience an onset of pain you will usually find that all of your attention is drawn to it. This is a perfectly natural reaction and is the body's way of signalling that something needs to be done. The problem arises when we stick with the pain and dwell on it for too long. Any patient of abdominal pain of recent onset requires early and thorough evaluation for an accurate diagnosis. However, the most common source of abdominal pain in the region of the stomach and intestines is the gastro-intestinal tract because it deals with outside material, that is, the food and drink we take. The appendix sometimes seems to be more trouble than useful, kind of like tonsils. You don't even hear about the appendix before it becomes inflamed, unless you've studied medicine.

Unfortunately, despite its apparent uselessness, appendicitis can cause your death. When you develop appendicitis, you will need to undergo an operation to have it removed. Curiously, however, once the appendix is removed, you will live just fine. Obstruction is mostly caused by foreign bodies or by a viral or bacterial infection that cause lymph nodes to swell. This is medically called lymphoid hyperplasia. In a small number of persons appendicitis can be post-traumatically after accidents or injuries. This often requires immediate medical attention. People suffering from this medical problem will have to undergo a surgical procedure to have the organ excised. In fact, there is no other alternative treatment but surgery. The appendix needs to be removed before it bursts or perforates.

For correct diagnosis of appendicitis, the entire process begins with the complete history and physical examination of the patient. Based on the physical tests and the medical history of the patient appendicitis can be identified. Patients often have a high body temperature and they will experience moderate to severe tenderness when the doctors presses their abdomen. However, be aware that the notion of their uselessness has been widely perpetrated and used as the main reason to remove this healthy organ in the past. And, a doctor may decide to remove your appendix, gallbladder, or any other healthy body organ, without your permission because of this long held belief.

Appendicitis is an emergency that must be treated surgically. It cannot be treated at home. Call your doctor immediately if you suspect that your child has appendicitis. However do not give your child any medication to dull the pain without consulting the doctor. The blockage may be due to a build-up of thick mucus within the appendix or to stool that enters the appendix from the cecum. Causes of appendicitis's are not very clear but it can result to an obstruction when food waste or a hard piece of stool can become trapped in an orifice of the cavity that runs the length of your appendix. Acute appendicitis is thought to be caused from an obstruction of the appendix lumen. The obstruction lets the appendix to become filled with mucus and swollen, increasing the strain within the lumen and the walls of the appendix, can lead to thrombosis and occlusion of the small vessels, and stasis of lymphatic flow.

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Avoid Gout Causing Foods

Gout victims need gout diets because some foods only add to the suffering of gout victims. One of the main symptoms of gout is the high acclamation of uric acid buildup in the joints. Uric acid enters the joints through the bloodstream, where it settles into the joints and crystallizes, producing a sharp pain in the joints from movement. In some people there is too much uric acid in the blood stream. This happens from eating to much food high in purines. The kidneys are unable to eliminate all of the uric acid from the blood stream so the uric acid can pass from the body in the urine. Seeing how gout is mostly caused by poor dietary choices, you can avoid eating gout causing foods. Here are five foods you should seriously consider either avoiding or eating only on rare occasions.

Gout is caused by excess uric acid in your blood that forms sharp crystals in your joints. This gives rise to the symptoms of gout; redness, swelling, inflammation, heat and of course excruciating pain! The kidneys are responsible for excreting the acid, usually flushing it out of your body. However, when the body creates an excess of uric acid, the kidneys are overwhelmed and can't get rid of it. This builds up in your joints and leads to gout. Eating less and exercising more means that you will loose weight. The same principal can be applied to avoiding gout attacks. We already know what causes gout, high levels of uric acid.

In addition, dietitians warned to stay away from the heart tissue of any type of animal, and a diet with too many yeast products and it, and foods with high saturated fats. And as you are also now aware, purines exist in your foods. But they don't exist in equal concentrations. Some foods are relatively low in purines, whilst others are high, or, very high in purines. Foods to avoid with gout are foods such as; red meat and offal, poultry, shellfish, anchovies, sardines, mackerel, herring, roe, asparagus, cauliflower, mushrooms, peas, beans, lentils, etc. And alcohol of course.

Gout causes are not always due to an abnormally high level of uric acid in the body. There are people who have hyperuricemia (high uric acid level) and do not develop gout. This only goes to show that gout may occur in individuals regardless of uric acid levels. It is also a good idea to drink plenty of water. Staying well hydrated will help your body to reduce the levels of uric acid and excrete it through your normal body functions. Another tip to reduce gout symptoms is to avoid all alcoholic beverages and this list of foods: Red meat (burgers, mincemeat, game, etc.)
Offal (liver, heart, kidneys, etc.)
Poultry (duck, goose, etc.)
Some fish (herring, mackerel, anchovies, sardines, etc.)
Shellfish (mussels, shrimp, scallops, etc.)
Gravy (broth, consomme, etc.)

Strawberries have been shown to neutralize acid and also provide almost immediate relief. Try eating one cup during an attack. Cherries and blueberries contain high levels of anthocyanins which are a natural anti-inflammatory. 1 serving of cherries or blueberries can help reduce the swelling and pain.

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Thursday, August 12, 2010

Chocolate Health Benefits

In mordern society, chocolate is one of the favorite snack food for many people around the world ,but they also always relate unhealth like sugar diabetes and fat to chocolate. According to experts latest demonstration, moderate amounts of dark chocolate dose good for our health. It is important to note, only dark chocolate has been shown to provide health benefits of any kind. Milk, semi-sweet, white or any other kind of chocolate may taste good, perhaps even better, but they do not provide any known benefits. One of the benefits of chocolate is that it is a good mood enhancer. Many people consume it when they are having a bad day. It contains serotonin which acts like an anit-depressant. It not only relaxes us, but also serves to make blood vessels more flexible to help the flow of blood throughout our bodies.

As mentioned, chocolates induce different chemical reactions in the brain that gives you a relaxing,"feel good" and giddy sensation all over. In addition, studies have shown that the melting sensation of chocolate in your mouth increases activities in the brain and heart rate. The benefits of chocolate are vast, and some were actually discovered more than two thousand years ago. The first to discover the fact that chocolate is a healthy substance was Montezuma, the Emperor of the ancient Aztec civilization. The team of researchers was careful to focus on cocoa over chocolate. The truth is, eating lots of chocolate is never going to be a healthy choice, but moderating your intake and enjoying other healthy foods just might be. Chocolates makes you feel good starting from its smell right down to the lasting sensation after it has melted in your mouth. The chemical build up of chocolates not only gives you a certain high but also a way to promote good health.

It is the antioxidants in the cocoa solids that make this food healthy. All of the other ingredients, like sugar; and any extras, like nougat, caramel, marshmallow, etc., just add calories. To maximize the health benefits, stick with plain dark chocolate. There are many health related reasons to eat this type of chocolate. Not only can it help your body be healthier and effect your mental state of mind, but it tastes great. It is strongly recommended anyone adding dark chocolate to their daily diet should look for pure dark chocolate, either plain or with nuts or any kind of flavoring. A study found that after eating chocolate, blood needed to extend oxidation, and the blood of the total antioxidant capacity also increased. The chocolate mono-unsaturated fats has the antioxidant oleic and linolenic acids. Research results show that chocolate can help maintain cardiovascular health.

Alertness and happiness are increased and many find a pain reducing benefit as well. Theobromine, caffeine, tyramine, and phenylethylamine (also found in chocolate) can reduce fatigue and give people the extra boost they need to get through the day. There are even cannabinoids that give people a sort of safe and happy feeling. In order to avoid the unpleasant consequences, you have to choose the right type of chocolate when consuming as not all kinds are good.

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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Cold Sore Cure

Anyone who suffers from cold sores knows what a challenge it is finding a cold sore cure. Fact is, most cold sores will heal on their own within 2-4 weeks, regardless of treatments or other typical cures. There are many cold sore cures that can help you treat this problem and prevent it in the future. These fluid filled blisters that appear on your lips and roof of your mouth, though harmless, but often cause a lot of discomfort. It can easily be spread to other parts of the body especially when the skin is irritated, excessive exposure to sunlight, hormonal changes, stress, fatigue and sickness.

Cold sore is contagious. It can spread by direct contact such as a kiss, oral sex, or through contact with infected towel, toothbrush, food utensils, and any other shared things even you can spread that to your own body such as eye and genital with direct contact. Once infected by this virus it resides in the nerve cells of the skin and if triggered it will recur on the same spot .Too much exposure to the sun, cold, flu, stress and menstruation are some of the triggers of cold sore. Cold sore outbreaks are caused by the Simplex 1 Virus, and this virus is very hard to fight. There are steps to control the painful blisters caused by this virus, but most doctors will tell you that there is no cure for this problem and that all sufferers will have to live it for the rest of their lives.

Every pathogenic disease is identified based on the display of a specific set of symptoms. The cause may be there, but if there are not any symptoms, there is no disease. This is true with cold sores as well.Cold sores usually appear on the outside of the mouth. This is what differentiates it from canker sores which appear in the inside of the mouth cavity. It is only during rare times that cold sores will appear on the inside. If you do experience a breakout wash your hands after you touch the cold sore, after it breaks out, change your toothbrush, avoid touching the cold sore whenever it is unnecessary.

There are many commercial cold sore cures available but most of them do not work or work only for a short time. What's worse is that most of these cures have harmful side effects. Not to mention that they can be really hard on the budget. There are a variety of excellent cold sore treatment remedies you can use today. Some work as comfort treatments, and a few actually heal and prevent cold sores.

Some people let it heal by itself since cold sore usually last up to 10 days or worst a few weeks but the fact still exists that recurrence is highly possible and you should look for a permanent cold sore cure to end all your predicaments. There are several ways of preventing the virus, of making cold sores go away more quickly and of boosting your immune system, but no permanent cure. This is probably something that needs to be worked on by those in the medical field.

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Facts About Food Poisoning

Foodborne illness, or "food poisoning," occurs when food contaminated with bacteria or other pathogens, such as parasites or viruses, is consumed. Poisonous chemicals, pesticides, and other harmful substances can also cause foodborne illness. If you have developed a bad case of this illness as the result of another party's negligence, then you may be able to recover damages for your suffering. Certain factors such as age and physical condition can make certain people more susceptible to food poisoning than others. Infants, pregnant women, the elderly and people with compromised immune systems are at greatest risk.

The main causes of food poisoning are eating unsanitary food, or drinking untreated or impure water. Sometimes it is due to traveling to the places that may not have clean drinking water. The basic reason for this disorder is contamination of the food particles. Eating contaminated food, drinks or solid food items, results in the individual allowing harmful bacteria and virus to sneak in the body and causing havoc. If you are a healthy person, with a strong immune system, then the food poisoning symptoms are likely to be violent, for a short period and you bounce back easily afterward.

Symptoms may develop as soon as 30 minutes after eating tainted food, but more commonly do not develop for several days or weeks. Symptoms of viral or parasitic food poisoning may not appear for several weeks, while some toxins in fish may take only a few minutes to cause symptoms. Tampering with some cooking routines could leave you exposed to this disease too. For example, while storing the meat items in your home, store red meat and poultry separately. Always wash your hands thoroughly before handling food.Make sure that you clean cutting boards thoroughly with warm soapy water before preparing food on them.

Symptoms of food poisoning typically arise several hours after the infected products have been ingested. Most cases will resolve themselves without outside treatment, but there are several tips that victims can follow to prevent matters from getting worse. To avoid food poisoning you should choose to eat at reputable restaurants. If you are in an area that does not practice the same level of food safety as your home country you should practice extra caution. Typically food should be served hot or cold. Generally, for mild cases of food poisoning, the doctor will recommend for you to rest, drink fluids to prevent dehydration due to vomiting or diarrhea, and to follow a specific diet. It usually only takes about 1 to 5 days to recover from food poisoning.

Carefully wash your hands, do not drink unprocessed or impure food or water, Always cook meats properly and cook meats at high temperatures to kill germs.Food safety is an important part of a fun summer. Taking precautions will help you enjoy your meals and avoid serious consequences. Black tea is fermented during processing; green and white teas are not. The fermentation process changes the anti-oxidants in the tea from their natural, original state, into a slightly different compound.

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Heavy Menstrual Bleeding

Heavy menstrual bleeding is a condition known as menorrhagia. It can be caused by a variety of different factors. In young teenage girls who are going through puberty and experiencing their first several periods as well as in women who are pre-menopausal, heavy bleeding can be due to fluctuating hormones. The exact cause of bleeding during ovulation is not clear and could be due to emerging follicles. Hormones prompt ovaries to produce around 20 follicles that contain an immature egg, and out of this only one follicle matures. Sometimes the cause of heavy periods is simply not known. In order to determine the cause in each individual, a visit to the doctor is necessary.

For alternative treatment methods, you can try acupuncture but there are no studies that prove it will have a benefit. Herbs can be used as a treatment, specifically those that act like progesterone or increase the levels of it. If anything resembling foetal tissue is passed, it should be ensured that a doctor is consulted immediately. Miscarriage maybe considered a natural process which deals with abnormalities even though a miscarriage is not avoidable. It has never been proved if exercise and sex can cause miscarriage. There are a number of simple steps you can take to help with heavy bleeding causes by your fibroids. Firstly, avoid wearing tampons, as these can cause cramping and pain.

During the menses, when the ovary releases eggs, it is likely that a fixed egg gets fertilized because of a sperm entering into the woman's body. The fertilized egg then starts to catch the way via which it can reach the uterus lining to get implant over there so that it can obtain blood and nutrients from the lining.If you have just entered into the pregnancy stage, you might spot some scanty and brownish discharge and you might take that as your period. However, that is not period, but implantation bleeding. Many women will experience this slight discharge within 10 to 14 days of fertilization. Further, bleeding during early stages might also be a signal of other serious issues for the baby. One such issue is ectopic pregnancy taking place in every 1 of 60 cases of pregnancies. It can take the life of the mother and baby too.

Although fibroids cause heavy bleeding, many women often feel that this is only one of many symptoms-and often not the worse! Others include terrible bloating, constipation, urinary problems, pain during intercourse and severe cramping. A lot of women experience placenta previa during early pregnancy, it moves before labour occurs in most cases. A cesarean section is scheduled if a women still has placenta previa even in the last weeks of pregnancy. The amount of pads or tampons should increase a great deal after drinking the vinegar for only one or two days... and it is not uncommon to go through only a pad or two after the 3rd day of the period. Sometimes heavy bleeding can be treated with a D&C, also know as dilation and curettage. Other surgical options include an endometrial ablation. 50 percent of all women that have this procedure never have another period again.

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Ulcer Types And Symptoms

While there are a variety of stomach ulcer symptoms experienced by many, this common disease attacks millions of Americans each and every year. When a person is suspected to have esophageal cancer exhibiting esophageal cancer symptoms they normally do not think that their stomach too might be affected because of the cancerous cells. Ulcers are created when the lining of the stomach (or duodenum) is damaged in one or more places. The hydrochloric acid and pepsin (the stuff that digest and break down your food) works on the lining of your stomach as they would on food.

Some common symptoms of the digestive system that can overlap the symptoms of stomach esophageal cancer are general nausea often, queasy indigestion, frequent, unusual burping, heartburn felt in the upper or middle torso often, nausea and so on. Natural cures are safer in terms of side effects, and much easier to take. Very few doctors will be able to tell you much about this because they have been trained to prescribe drugs, and oddly enough most of their post graduate training comes from the pharmaceutical companies. To relieve stomach ulcer symptoms naturally, your best bet is to change your eating habits. Certain foods can irritate ulcers and should be avoided which include spicy and fried foods, fatty foods and acidic foods.

The cause of stomach ulcer is the destruction of the gastric or intestinal mucosal lining of the stomach by hydrochloric acid; this is an acid, which is present in the digestive juices of the stomach. The infection with bacterium plays an important role in causing gastric and duodenal ulcers. This is not a health issue which you can ignore since the stomach ulcer can literally erode the protective lining of the stomach. Some times your physician may prescribe a medication which forms a protective barrier over the lining of your stomach and gives your stomach ulcer a chance to heal. Often, an acute episode of bleeding is the initial tip off. This may manifest itself as vomiting fresh, bright red blood or material that resembles coffee grounds. The stools may be bloody, maroon, or tarry and black, also indications of intestinal bleeding.

Nowadays there are many tests that deals with the detection if there is any infection with H. pylori, needed in the diagnosis of the gastric or duodenal ulcers or even for stomach cancer.Through several methods we may see if a person has or has not peptic ulcer. The other symptom to watch for is the most alarming situation of internal bleeding. This bleeding will normally make itself apparent in stools. This isn't always the case however, and the ulcer could cause internal bleeding which goes un-noticed for a long period of time. Operations performed in order to treat bleeding ulcers are mostly done through the means of a gastroscope. General anesthesia is not always required in performing such operations. Fortunately, not all patients who suffer from bleeding ulcer need surgery.

In the meantime, strive for a healthy lifestyle that stresses regular exercise, a balanced diet, ample sleep, and time to relax and enjoy life. Avoid aspirin and other nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drugs unless you need them for arthritis or another medical problem.

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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Food Poisoning Symptoms

Food poisoning is something that approximately seventy-six million people in the United States will experience this year. There is a single common treatment in nearly every variety of the illness though. That treatment is simply increasing the amount of fluids that the individual takes in. While your first thought is to grab fresh foods such as vegetables and fruits, this tends to be the first way to get sick. Lettuce is extremely hard to clean well at restaurants unless it has been cook first. Fruits also tend to not be cleaned as well as they should, so avoid ones that do not have to be peeled. If your signs may be the result of eating mushrooms, fish or botulism then you should seek immediate care. If you experience an increase of heart rate you should seek emergency care as well.

Signs of food poisoning may range from mild to life threatening. Vomiting, fever, diarrhea, nausea, cramping are all signs of poisoning. Remember you many suffer from only a few of the symptoms or all of the symptoms. Generally symptoms come on withing 48 hours after eating or drinking the contaminated foods/drinks.Most cases of food poisoning are caused by viruses which enter the digestive system through contaminated food or beverage and upset the patient's digestion. Viruses can be transmitted through water, fertilizer, interpersonal contact, and more. Symptoms of food poisoning typically arise several hours after the infected products have been ingested. Most cases will resolve themselves without outside treatment, but there are several tips that victims can follow to prevent matters from getting worse.

Food handlers should be wearing clean aprons and should not wipe their hands on their aprons (paper or single-use disposable towels is the requirement). Aprons must be changed frequently as they become soiled or contaminated. Charcoal is natural and provides very good absorption or binding properties. It is used by emergency medical personnel for initial treatment for a variety of poisonings. It can be purchased as a capsule or powder over the counter. Follow the directions on the label. The goal of handwashing is to reduce the population of microorganisms on the hands, especially the bad actors in the transient population. Food can normally last for two hours at room temperature, but that is decreased to one hour in warm weather. But if your immune system is compromised, then it's probable that your vomiting and diarrhea will last longer than a few hours and that you will find it difficult to bounce back afterward. You may feel lethargic and unwell for the next day or two, as well as thirsty.

Because the consequences of this type of food poisoning are so serious, it is imperative that restaurants, cafeterias and other food establishments operate with a reasonable standard of care and provide products that are safe to consume. Food poisoning is nothing to mess with. People - especially young children and the elderly - can and do die from severe cases. If you experience violent vomiting or diarrhea for several hours, run - don't walk - to the emergency room.

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Genital Herpes Cure

Genital herpes is a condition that involves the development of blisters in the genitals of both male and female. It is brought about by the HSV Type 2 virus and cures for herpes have become elusive over the years. Using antiviral drugs as a 'herpes cure' have provided people diagnosed with genital herpes the chance to free themselves from the manifestations of herpes for an extended period of time. At the same time, this helps minimize the level and extent of the symptoms in instances of flare-ups. Thus, the cycle continues, this is because once a person is infected with genital herpes, it cannot be healed and the virus stays with you forever. However, there are genital herpes cure that can help you in the management of herpes.

Many medical practitioners believe that there is no such thing as herpes cures because the virus is not totally wiped out from a person's system. Once the virus invades the body through the tissues, it remains there for life, even though latent most of the time. The simple fact that herpes is a virus is what makes it difficult to find a herpes cure. As a rule the immune system will deal with and destroy any viruses it finds but that fact that the herpes virus retreats and hides so well in the nerves when in the dormant phase makes finding a cure for herpes a more difficult task. Preventing outbreaks and keeping the virus in control, doctors administer vaccines or let patients take antiviral medications. Home remedies only offer temporary relief against sore and pain.

Genital herpes cure all depends on the frequency of attacks and if the person infected with the virus are having a hard time in managing the disease that brings difficulty in your day-to-day physical activities and also affects you emotionally. Because prescription medication can come with unwanted side effects and can be very expensive, many people who have herpes are considering using alternative ways to treat the disease. There is no requirement for the number of annual occurrences that doctors set in deciding when is it appropriate to undergo suppressive therapy. The most vital consideration to bear in mind is the number of outbreaks as well as their intensity to hamper with your daily functions. The disappearance of these symptoms does not mean a person is cured of herpes.

There are two types of treatment available for genital herpes, episodic treatment and suppressive treatment. Episodic treatment is for the infected person to take when there is an outbreak of an episode of the disease. Both genital herpes and oral herpes are very common and cause more embarrassment than pain. If there is one outbreak, there will be others. Once you have an outbreak of either form, consult your doctor about treatment options and be sure to inform those closest to you so it does not spread. There is no true cure for herpes, the best treatments are preventive measures for future outbreaks. Antiviral medications like acyclovir and other similar drugs help ease the symptoms and frequency of oral herpes recurrences.

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Monday, August 9, 2010

Applying Eyeshadow Tips

When it comes to makeup, eyeshadow is perhaps the trickiest product to apply. This is because the eyes have no real limitations. According to the makeup experts, each shape you create using eyeshadows can take you to different realms. Eye shadow comes in many different colors, and is usually made from a powder. Eye shadow is perhaps the most beloved cosmetic of creative makeup artists. The most important trick to keep in mind is that the light colors highlight the spots while dark colors tame them down. The safest way to go is with brown or black, but new options include other colors such as gray, charcoal, metallics, or even bright dashes of color like green, blue, or turquoise, as seen on the usual summer collections. Smoke or charcoal gives a softer look than black does.

Finding a good combination of three shades is best as you use eyeshadow. You can highlight your brow bone by putting the shade that's lightest in color on that area. The eyelids can then receive the medium-colored shade, putting the third, darker shade on the crease of the eyelid. Use warm shades such as champagne, peach or golden brown if your hair has golden undertones. If your hair is ash blonde, grey or black, cool shades like pink, lilac or turquoise can look stunning. Always apply a lighter shade under the brow bone to highlight the eyes and darker shades on the lid and the crease of the eye. Using a large, flat eyeshadow brush, apply a light shadow color over your entire eyelid from lash line to brow.

For beginners, it is best if you start off with neutral colors ie shades of brown. They good look on almost everyone and neutral color is highly recommended for daily wear. It is sophisticated to use it for work. Foundation can be used to cover the whole face and even out the skin tone. It can also be used in troubled areas to even those out. The benefit is having a lighter feel to the skin, and a more natural look. In the evening, using heavier foundation is normally unnecessary as the darkness can cover any perceived imperfections. Black mascara works for almost everyone but blondes should opt for brown by day and reserve black for night. If you have blue eyes try using blue mascara, this will highlight and brighten them while purple mascara makes brown eyes look absolutely stunning. As you pick the right kind of eyeshadow for you, you'll find it easier to apply matte shades of cream color than any other product. You might even want to invest in powder eyeshadow, as an applicator or eyeshadow brush makes it simple to put on.

If your eyes are closer together, you can apply eyeshadow on the outer corners of your eyes so the attention will go there and if it is far away from each other, you can apply eyeshadow on the inside corners. This little technique can do wonders to your look. If you are looking for subtle color, go with neutral shadows like tan, pale pink, or gray. Apply neutral shades with an eyeshadow wand to the area just under the brow line, and over your lid.

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