Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Cold Sore Cure

Anyone who suffers from cold sores knows what a challenge it is finding a cold sore cure. Fact is, most cold sores will heal on their own within 2-4 weeks, regardless of treatments or other typical cures. There are many cold sore cures that can help you treat this problem and prevent it in the future. These fluid filled blisters that appear on your lips and roof of your mouth, though harmless, but often cause a lot of discomfort. It can easily be spread to other parts of the body especially when the skin is irritated, excessive exposure to sunlight, hormonal changes, stress, fatigue and sickness.

Cold sore is contagious. It can spread by direct contact such as a kiss, oral sex, or through contact with infected towel, toothbrush, food utensils, and any other shared things even you can spread that to your own body such as eye and genital with direct contact. Once infected by this virus it resides in the nerve cells of the skin and if triggered it will recur on the same spot .Too much exposure to the sun, cold, flu, stress and menstruation are some of the triggers of cold sore. Cold sore outbreaks are caused by the Simplex 1 Virus, and this virus is very hard to fight. There are steps to control the painful blisters caused by this virus, but most doctors will tell you that there is no cure for this problem and that all sufferers will have to live it for the rest of their lives.

Every pathogenic disease is identified based on the display of a specific set of symptoms. The cause may be there, but if there are not any symptoms, there is no disease. This is true with cold sores as well.Cold sores usually appear on the outside of the mouth. This is what differentiates it from canker sores which appear in the inside of the mouth cavity. It is only during rare times that cold sores will appear on the inside. If you do experience a breakout wash your hands after you touch the cold sore, after it breaks out, change your toothbrush, avoid touching the cold sore whenever it is unnecessary.

There are many commercial cold sore cures available but most of them do not work or work only for a short time. What's worse is that most of these cures have harmful side effects. Not to mention that they can be really hard on the budget. There are a variety of excellent cold sore treatment remedies you can use today. Some work as comfort treatments, and a few actually heal and prevent cold sores.

Some people let it heal by itself since cold sore usually last up to 10 days or worst a few weeks but the fact still exists that recurrence is highly possible and you should look for a permanent cold sore cure to end all your predicaments. There are several ways of preventing the virus, of making cold sores go away more quickly and of boosting your immune system, but no permanent cure. This is probably something that needs to be worked on by those in the medical field.

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