Thursday, August 5, 2010

Lupus On Skin Causes

Sometimes, a lupus flare-up comes suddenly and without warning. You may see a butterfly rash over the bridge of your nose and swelling, or you may experience headaches, dizziness, a fever and pain in various locations. The human body's immune system makes proteins called antibodies that protect the body against viruses, bacteria and other foreign materials. These foreign materials are called antigens. If you have an autoimmune disease such as lupus, your immune system actually attacks the healthy cells and tissues by mistake. In simple words Lupus is generally defined as a breakdown of the immune system in which the body just literally harms itself, destroying its own healthy cells and tissues. The immune system produces harmful antibodies that cause inflammation and tissue damage to the skin, joints, blood vessels, kidneys, lungs, heart, and brain.

Both of these conditions are autoimmune conditions. Autoimmune conditions are disorders in which the immune system produces autoantibodies to an endogenous antigen, with consequent injury to tissues. This essential means the immune system starts attacking you own body's tissues. When lupus affects the lymphatic system of the body, the most common symptoms of lupus are swelling and pain of the lymph nodes throughout the body. Most cases of lupus either affect the lymphatic system, the musculoskeletal system or the skin. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, (SLE), the most common type of lupus, has a pronounced polyvalent character. The systemic form of lupus can affect multiple parts of the body and cause a wide variety of unspecific symptoms, ranging from mild to severe.

Even though the cause of lupus is unknown, researchers think that many factors may trigger the disease. Genetics may play a role. Some people may have a genetic predisposition to lupus that is then activated by an infection, certain medications, or extreme physical or emotional stress. Although the discoid form of lupus only affects your skin, this lupus type can evolve and become the systemic type of lupus. This particular lupus type can affects almost all your internal organs. Systemic lupus can also atack your nervous system. When it occurs on the face, lupus rash has a reddish, burn-like aspect. Sometimes the rash can even affect the moist tissues around the mouth and the nose. In the systemic form of the disease, lupus rash doesn't generally involve skin scarring and it can ameliorate with medical treatment.

Even though the allopathic medical profession cannot offer a cure for lupus, the field of alternative medicine offer ways to improve the functioning of the immune system. The process of diagnosing discoid lupus erythematosus involves physical examination, laboratory analysis of skin samples and elaborate blood tests. If laboratory tests reveal dysfunctions of the immune system and the skin lesions are linked to discoid lupus erythematosus, the patients will be prescribed an appropriate medical treatment. Exposure to the sun, have both short and long term effects on the skin. The short effects are redness and sensitivity to the touch, which is caused by the dilation of blood vessels and stimulation of the nerve ending in the skin.

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