Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Sprained Ankles Causes And Treatment

Sprained ankles are very common and repeated sprains can lead to a swollen, painful ankle, problems walking on rough ground and the risk of re-injury. It contains tendons and ligaments that are at risk of being stretched or torn when the foot is forced to land in unnatural positions. This can occur whilst playing running, walking, playing sports or even undertaking everyday activities. If you are pretty much immobile, then icing is a good idea for the first 36 hours. The problem is that this is all most people do. This is just the very beginning step toward rehabilitating the ankle.

Even recreational off-road runners contend with ankle sprains due running over uneven surfaces. However, an ankle sprain does not need to keep you out of the gym. Always remember to talk to your doctor before engaging in exercise after injury. An ankle sprain can be treated by reducing the inflammation. Using ice is the most effective way of reducing inflammation and swelling. If ice is applied as soon after the injury as possible, it can help to prevent much of the inflammation from occurring. If your legs or feet go numb when you are running, then 90% of the time you will have one of two problems. The first cause for numb feet or legs is that you have your shoes laced too tightly. While it is possible that you are cutting off circulation at the ankle, the more likely problem comes from having the laces pulled too tightly near your toes.

Excess fluid accumulates in your feet due to the weight and position of the baby in the womb. This usually occurs in the third trimester. Extreme stress or inflammation on the plantar fascia, the ligament that holds up your arch occurs due to excessive pronation and a pre-pregnancy flexible flat foot. Increased weight in your pelvis can compress the veins reducing circulation to your feet. Tips for prevention of cramps: increase circulation by rotating your ankles and walking your cramps out. Stretch your calves daily make sure you are taking your prenatal vitamins to ward off any electrolyte imbalances, and exercise. You do need to take some precautions with ice, though. Never put ice directly on the injury...always wrap it in a towel first. Keep ice on for no more that 20 minutes and then wait at least 40 minutes before you use it again.

If the ankle has not healed properly, the sufferer may experience a feeling that their ankle is 'giving way' when they try to use it again. If they try to undertake their former activities too soon, or try to exercise at a high intensity, they are placing themselves at risk of further ankle sprain. Well, by just icing, elevating and resting your ankle, you can see that you are not properly rehabilitating the muscles and joint. As a result, your ankle will be weaker, less flexible, there will be impaired neuromuscular communication. The physio may use manual therapy for joint stiffness or pain and this allows the physiotherapist to improve the joint gliding movements and allow more normal joint mechanics.

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