Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Ulcer Types And Symptoms

While there are a variety of stomach ulcer symptoms experienced by many, this common disease attacks millions of Americans each and every year. When a person is suspected to have esophageal cancer exhibiting esophageal cancer symptoms they normally do not think that their stomach too might be affected because of the cancerous cells. Ulcers are created when the lining of the stomach (or duodenum) is damaged in one or more places. The hydrochloric acid and pepsin (the stuff that digest and break down your food) works on the lining of your stomach as they would on food.

Some common symptoms of the digestive system that can overlap the symptoms of stomach esophageal cancer are general nausea often, queasy indigestion, frequent, unusual burping, heartburn felt in the upper or middle torso often, nausea and so on. Natural cures are safer in terms of side effects, and much easier to take. Very few doctors will be able to tell you much about this because they have been trained to prescribe drugs, and oddly enough most of their post graduate training comes from the pharmaceutical companies. To relieve stomach ulcer symptoms naturally, your best bet is to change your eating habits. Certain foods can irritate ulcers and should be avoided which include spicy and fried foods, fatty foods and acidic foods.

The cause of stomach ulcer is the destruction of the gastric or intestinal mucosal lining of the stomach by hydrochloric acid; this is an acid, which is present in the digestive juices of the stomach. The infection with bacterium plays an important role in causing gastric and duodenal ulcers. This is not a health issue which you can ignore since the stomach ulcer can literally erode the protective lining of the stomach. Some times your physician may prescribe a medication which forms a protective barrier over the lining of your stomach and gives your stomach ulcer a chance to heal. Often, an acute episode of bleeding is the initial tip off. This may manifest itself as vomiting fresh, bright red blood or material that resembles coffee grounds. The stools may be bloody, maroon, or tarry and black, also indications of intestinal bleeding.

Nowadays there are many tests that deals with the detection if there is any infection with H. pylori, needed in the diagnosis of the gastric or duodenal ulcers or even for stomach cancer.Through several methods we may see if a person has or has not peptic ulcer. The other symptom to watch for is the most alarming situation of internal bleeding. This bleeding will normally make itself apparent in stools. This isn't always the case however, and the ulcer could cause internal bleeding which goes un-noticed for a long period of time. Operations performed in order to treat bleeding ulcers are mostly done through the means of a gastroscope. General anesthesia is not always required in performing such operations. Fortunately, not all patients who suffer from bleeding ulcer need surgery.

In the meantime, strive for a healthy lifestyle that stresses regular exercise, a balanced diet, ample sleep, and time to relax and enjoy life. Avoid aspirin and other nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drugs unless you need them for arthritis or another medical problem.

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