Saturday, July 24, 2010

Acidity Causes

Acid reflux is a condition that plagues millions of people worldwide. It is caused by stomach acid splashing up into the esophagus. The lower esophageal sphincter (LES) is a ring-like valve at the bottom of the esophagus. It opens to allow food to enter the stomach and then closes to keep it there. The level of acids in the human stomach is generally controlled; but for some reason if the level of acids increases beyond the normal levels, then the condition is known as acidity. When a person has acidity in the stomach, there can be a vast difference in the kinds of symptoms observed. For some people it may be a simple bellyache, but for others, it could lead to days of restlessness with continuous cramps in the stomach.

The key medical treatment for acid reflux is to merely change your dietary lifestyle. The foods you eat serve to either heal or harm your system. Simply changing what you eat is the primary medical recommendation for anyone diagnosed with acid reflux before acid reflux medicine is prescribed. The usual signs of heartburn are a burning sensation or pain in the stomach after one to four hours of a meal. The too much secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach causes acidity. An acid reflux affects every part of your day while snoring leaves you weary and cross and the inability to deal with the pain and discomfort caused by acid reflux.

Avoid frying foods whenever possible. Baked or broiled will serve two purposes; it will help control acid reflux symptoms and help to maintain a lower weight. Do not drink alcohol in excess, especially fruit wines. If lifestyle changes are not sufficient, you may have to resort to over-the-counter acid reflux medicine. Over the counter medications that are meant to treat acid reflux symptoms are common choices for millions of people daily. It is therefore clear that the more acidic the content of the stomach, the greater will be the pressure on the lower esophageal sphincter valve and hence greater chances of acid reflux.

Stress causes acid. Emotion causes acid. If you are stressed or emotional allot, you will need a mountain of therapies and time in retreat to recover. And the recovery will be short, if you go back to being emotional and stressed. It's all in your head, but acid is all in you .The simple solution for most people with excess stomach acid is to supplement with digestive enzymes which can digest up to 70% of the meal in the pre-acid phase, thus eliminating the need for large amounts of stomach acid and also taking tremendous stress off the digestive system and the pancreas.

We put our energy into everything we do. What we do today causes tomorrow. The reason is, that our thoughts today produce the chemicals that are running around in our body tomorrow. If you are tired, you are acidic. If you are frustrated, there's more acid. Changing your eating habits may be natural cures for acid reflux. If you normally eat a large meal late in the evening, less than three hours before bedtime, then you are more likely to suffer from nighttime heartburn or other acid reflux symptoms like coughing.

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