Monday, July 12, 2010

Teenage Suicide Facts

According to the National Youth Violence Prevention Resource Center, "teen suicide is the third leading cause of death among teenagers -- almost 2,000 teens kill themselves each year." Depression is one of the leading causes of teen suicide. It is estimated that "over 90% of teen suicide victims have a mental disorder, such as depression, and/or a history of alcohol or drug abuse.

Number one cause of suicide is depression. Depression is not the same thing as the "blues". The blues are normal feelings. Blues pass in a short time, say a couple of weeks. Depression lingers on or comes to pester a person over and over again carrying death. In nearly 90 percent of cases, people close to the teen will get clear warning signs that the teen is contemplating suicide. This said, not all teens who commit suicide suffer from a mental ailment.

Sometimes people who are severely depressed and contemplating suicide don't have enough energy to carry it out. As the disease begins to ease up, they may regain some of their energy, but may still have feelings of hopelessness, even though in the outside, they may seem to be calmer. When a teen is living in this world of depression it is not unlikely that they would find a means of "self-medicate" with drugs in order to avoid exposing themselves to their friends or adults. As we know through years of dealing with teens and their drug abuse that the use of drugs does not alleviate the problems, but instead, usually aggravate them, leaving the teen with a feeling of helplessness and hopelessness.

The media may have a much stronger influence upon the minds of teenagers than we think. Look at popular music videos and television shows. Are healthy values and views being expressed in them? Cool cars, sexy girls and guys shaking their stuff and lots of money. Has anyone ever tried to analyze as to why teenagers and adolescence boys and girls behave alike when they are transiting through the most crucial stage of their life. While it is normal for everyone, not just teenagers, to feel the 'blues' occasionally, depression becomes an illness when the feelings of dejection, hopelessness, and despair persist and interfere with a person's ability to function. Teenage depression may well be just a reaction to all this and we have to help them to get out of it if we can.

As a parents, need to strive to be empathetic and sympathetic, without be condescending, and ready to listen at any moment, day or night."Be honest with your child, but never hurtful. It is okay to share your feelings in a concerned and constructive way." Your teenager needs to realize, and internalize, the feelings that she is not alone during this crucial time. Teenagers face a host of pressures. Teenagers often tend to be moody, a symptom that is very common in this age. As a result, it makes the understanding of their depression a bit more difficult. In depression, people withdraw from the society and appear to be sad.

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