Thursday, July 1, 2010

Craniosacral Therapy Facts

Sometimes a light touch is all you need. At least, that's what proponents of craniosacral therapy believe. This relatively new type of massage, which has only been widely used in the alternative mainstream for about 30 years, works to alleviate problems associated primarily with pain and loss of function.

Craniosacral therapy will release the tensions, pain and dysfunction and will allow your body to relax and auto-correct itself. Whether it is Back Pain, Chronic Pain, or Neck Pain, freeing the central nervous system craniosacral therapy will improve the whole-body health and performance and naturally eliminate pain and stress.

CranioSacral therapy when correctly applied by a qualified CST therapist never goes against what your body wants to do. However miscarriages do occur in the first 12 weeks and if there is something wrong with the pregnancy it may happen that the body wants to abort the fetus, then CST can assist the body in what it naturally wants to do.

It is performed on a person fully clothed. Using a light touch - generally no more than the weight of a nickel - the therapist monitors the rhythm of the craniosacral system to detect potential restrictions and imbalances. The therapist then uses delicate manual techniques to release those problem areas and relieve undue pressure on the brain and spinal cord.

Just as breath and blood circulation would cause a problem if hindered, so would cerebrospinal fluid and it shows up in pain, muscle tension, or other symptoms. Craniosacral therapy aims to find restriction in the body within the soft tissue.

It is meant to be used to augment the bodys natural ability to heal itself from strain and injuries, as well as in conjunction with other therapies such as myofascial release. It is gaining more popularity as an alternative expensive and often ineffectual medicines and traumatic surgeries. However, it is still unrecognized by many health associations in the world, leaving the professionals in this field to regulate themselves through professional associations.

Craniosacral Therapy is not only an excellent treatment for mothers during their pregnancy, but it is also an excellent way to help couples who are having trouble getting pregnant! Many cases of unexplained infertility in both males and females have been successfully treated using Craniosacral therapy.

The most immediate effect that most people notice when they have a Craniosacral therapy procedure done to them is a renewed feeling of alertness. Although it's impossible to actually view it taking place, the fresh fluid washing over the brain causes it to wake up, and fools it into thinking that you have just sat up out of bed after a full night of rest.

The therapy is very gentle. A therapist works not so much by doing something to the body as by stimulating its self-corrective mechanisms. Clients are often surprised that, even though a therapist may be touching them very lightly, they feel the impact throughout their entire body, and may also experience an emotional release.

Currently the National Institute of Health is conducting clinical trials to determine whether craniosacral therapy can relieve migraines, which are difficult to treat in many patients even with medication. Thus far the research suggests that such techniques do offer relief to patients.

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