Friday, July 9, 2010

Smallpox As A Threat

Smallpox is one of the most devastating diseases in the history of mankind. Believed to originate more than three millennia ago in India or Egypt, epidemics caused by smallpox have decimated populations across continents. Smallpox, a highly contagious disease, is unique only to humans. The smallpox virus is caused by two virus variants called Variola major and Variola minor.

All known stocks of variola virus (smallpox) stocks are kept under security at two places: the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta and the State Research Centre of Virology and Biotechnology, Koltsovo, Novosibirsk Region, Russia. Unfortunately, many laboratories still have samples of this virus. In fact, there was a case in England where it infected at least one lab worker and caused a small outbreak. One person died in that incident.

If you have eczema and come in contact with the vaccine is it important to see your physician immediately, especially if you are in the midst of a flare up because the virus can easily enter the broken skin. While most people who get the smallpox rash recover easily with treatment, but eczema sufferers often end up with scarring or, in some cases, death. Of rising concerns is the fear that terrorists will use biological chemicals against us. What if this suspicious package contained a deadly chemical, such as smallpox or anthrax, are we ready? It appears not. The danger of bioterrorism hangs over our heads like a modern sword of Damocles.

The reason that the impact is hard to determine is because people were not always accurately diagnosed before the smallpox vaccine was discontinued. There are no accurate records concerning the number of American people who suffered from AD and therefore, how they reacted to vaccinations. This variola virus had many forms and continues to be a required vaccination for many countries. Smallpox in its worse forms - hemorrhagic and flat - had the highest fatality rates with only a 10 percent or less chance of survival.

What measures can be taken to protect one's self against smallpox? Vaccinia, the currently licensed smallpox vaccine, has proven its effectiveness; however, it is only available in limited quantities. More importantly, vaccinia can produce some dangerous side-effects, including severe rashes and some potentially life-threatening conditions (e.g. eczema vaccinatum, post-vaccinal encephalitis, and possibly myopericarditis). Once the whole intricate set-up was known, the first really positive steps could be taking towards eliminating the disease. Rats were destroyed where possible by trapping and poisoning, and by reducing number of places where they could breed and find food.

Immunisation is done by injecting into a person's blood-stream dead or severely weakened forms of the virus or bacteria known to cause disease. The body then becomes mildly infected, i.e. the person has a very mild attack of the disease. Smallpox is extremely contagious via respiratory secretions or direct contact with fluids with an incubation period of 12 days average. The illness usually lasts 4 weeks and the person would be contagious until all the lesions scabbed over and fell off in 3-4 weeks leaving pitted scars.

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