Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Alcoholism And Society

According to the health group of people, alcoholism is a disease and/or addiction to the utilization of alcohol, and an incapability to distinguish the disabling effects of excessive alcohol consumption. Going out for a drink after work is considered a normal way to end the day. But there is a huge difference between social drinking and alcohol abuse. Unfortunately, driving while drunk and increased violent behavior are very common for people in this situation.

Alcoholism is chronic dependence on alcohol and is a kind of disease characterized by compulsive seeking and use of alcohol. Figures shows that about 50% of people between the ages 21 to 24 that die in traffic accidents have alcohol in their system. Alcohol can be seen as a temporary solution to anxiety, and although it does work like a very strong depressant, it's effects are usually very temporary, and when the person comes back from being "drunk" with alcohol, they end up worse than before.

Since alcohol is a known depressant, it stands to reason people with depression shouldn't drink. This applies to people suffering from manic depression as well. Studies have shown that doctors miss diagnosing correctly roughly 65% of people who are depressed. Research has found that for a longer healthier life moderate drinking is the way to go rather than not drinking at all, or heavy drinking. Of course common sense tells us that heavy drinking can cause conditions such as cirrhosis of the liver, breast cancer, and other health problems.

Alcohol promotes body heat which causes the vessels of the skin to dilate that leads to sweating. So sweating becomes your body's reaction to keep your own temperature at an optimum level. In order to be sure that it is alcohol that causes your night sweats, you are then advised to reduce if not completely refrain from consuming alcohol. Now the fact that alcohol can cause anxiety is just that, a fact. It is a scientifically based understanding so this is not simple conjecture. Will alcohol affect all people this way? Probably not but as an anxiety sufferer you should be aware of the possible pitfalls of alcohol consumption so pay close attention.

While moderate amounts of alcohol can usually be tolerated by most people, the overuse of alcohol can irritate your stomach, causing inflammation of the stomach lining, ulcers and acid reflux. Once the cells lining the stomach and intestines have been damaged, the absorption and breakdown of the nutrients can be blocked. Yes, years of drinking and living in a way which my conscience tells me is not healthy, plays havoc on self-respect and self-esteem. However, alcohol was the solution to problem for many years.

Alcoholism differs from alcohol abuse in that a person who abuses alcohol does not display a loss of control over their drinking. An individual who abuses alcohol may act irresponsibly while under the influence. They may also put themselves and others in danger by driving or operating machinery while drinking. Alcoholism also increases the risk of certain cancers, such as cancer of the esophagus, larynx, liver and colon. If left untreated, alcoholism can lead to death.

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