Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Rickets Treatment

Rickets (Rachitis) is one of the most frequent deficiency diseases in infants, the main clinical symptoms of which are changes of the skeleton. The etiology of rickets is the deficiency of vitamin D (D2-ergocalciferol, D3-cholecaciferol). Vitamin D may be absorbed from food, or can be produced by the skin when it is exposed to sunlight. People who spend a lot of time indoors, live in climates with only a few sunny days, or who have dark skin may not produce enough vitamin D, and are at risk for a vitamin D deficiency. Minute amounts of Vitamin D in milk basically solved the Rickets problem. End of story, pat on the back, job well done boys.

Vitamin D resistant rickets is manifested by different signs and symptoms including prominent frontal skull bones, flattening of the posterior skull, enlarged ends of ribs, poor dentition, Harrison groove, prominent sternum, bowing of the long bones, scoliosis, lax ligaments, ankle thickening, and bowing of the tibia. Continuous use of very strong sunscreen; living in northern countries where there is low radiation from the sun in the winter; and continuous exposure to heavy smog all reduce the formation of vitamin D in the body and can lead to osteomalacia

Nutrient deficiencies nowadays occur mostly in developing countries, however being careless and not paying attention to your eating habits can result in the lack of consumption of essential nutrients. In all, it is very important to keep in mind terms such as malnutrition, under-nutrition and over-nutrition. Malnutrition means "bad" nutrition, which refers to both under-nutrition and over-nutrition. The standard recommended dose of 400 IU/day of vitamin D was in general to help maintain "good health," and to help reduce the risk of osteoporosis, falls, and hip fractures. Vitamin D is technically not a vitamin but is better described scientifically as a steroid hormone, a pre-hormone that we know can be produced in the skin as the result of ultra violet rays from the sun falling on bare skin. Like vitamin C, vitamin D has long been thought to prevent multiple forms of cancer, but until recently the full depth of its importance to cancer prevention has not been fully understood.

Antioxidants have even been shown to slow the aging process, and promote longevity. Today, people are living longer than ever, but they are usually living longer with chronic illnesses, not necessarily living longer, HEALTHIER lives. Research is showing that intake of vitamin D is needed in higher amount than are currently accepted as adequate, now set by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) .The risk for heart disease is particularly high when vitamin D blood levels are below 15 ng/ml. With 25-OH vitamin D levels above 30 ng/ml cardiac benefits may possibly be significant. The diagnosis of rickets is made upon a physical exam, and confirmed by blood tests and X-rays. Treatment goals are to relieve symptoms and correct the cause of the condition. Your doctor may wish to conduct regular blood tests to monitor blood levels of phosphorus and calcium if there is an underlying condition causing the osteomalacia.

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