Saturday, July 24, 2010

Coughing After Quitting Smoking

There are many benefits to those who have quit smoking. Some benefits are gained within minutes while other benefits will not happen for years. These benefits range from fresh breath to decreases in chances of getting certain cancers. The health risks after quitting are the things an ex-smoker has to be aware of once they are off the habit of smoking. The use of tobacco has put them at risk for diseases like cancer even if they have quit. Smoking believe it or not actually causes you to cough less which is why many very heavy smokers can carry on smoking even when the have a heavy cold or flu without coughing as much as a non smoker would under similar circumstances.

The problem for most people who manage to kick the habit however is that they never actually reach this point, not because they don't stay stopped from smoking long enough, but because it ordinarily takes many years to get to this clear lung phase and for the effects and toxins in the lungs to naturally break down and leave the body. The most common cancer to hit smokers and ex-smokers is lung cancer. Unfortunately, most people who acquire it do not feel any symptoms until the cancer has affected all other vital organs. It's quite simple to do but is an intense course and works very quickly so if you decide that it's something that you want to try then be prepared.

Nicotine is a sedative and stimulant which could lead you to become slightly hyperglycemic. Nicotine addiction is similar to other drug addictions that cause a release of dopamine in the brain where motivation and pleasure are controlled. You might be uncomfortable during the first week after you stop smoking, but eventually you will overcome the side effects of smoking. After you quit smoking suddenly, you realize that the unnecessary coughing that you had is reduced. This gives you the self-confidence to do well in life as well. However, smoking cessation is not an easy task and requires a lot of discipline and determination to get rid of such an addictive habit.

If your body defenses are weak, they cannot stand up to these cancerous cells. Such type of cancer can affect both the smoker and the ex-smoker as well. After 2 days of giving up smoking, the probability of getting coronary heart disease will decrease since all nicotine has left the body. In addition to that, the sense of smell and taste will also turn back to normal. When the lungs begin to repair it's not uncommon to develop a cough. This is actually a very good sign because it means that the lungs have started the repairing process. The first thing that happens is that small microscopic hairs within the lungs called cilia regain functionality.

Statistical research shows circulation and lung function improve dramatically over the 10 to 15 year period after smokers quit. And quit smoking side effects are all positive in terms of improving life span with lung cancer risk halved over 15 years and heart attack risk halved after just one year The cough should gradually lessen within a few months as long as you remain smoking free and you should begin to feel the benefits soon after.

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