Friday, July 30, 2010

Asthma Attack Causes

If you suffer from asthma, you probably know what an asthma attack is, and how potentially debilitating it can be - an asthma attack is a sudden worsening of the symptoms, caused by muscles tightening around the airway and thicker mucus being produced. Having asthma means that your airways or breathing tubes going to your lungs are extremely sensitive to one or more things. These things are known as your asthma triggers. They could be things like animal dander, smoke, paint fumes, dust mites, molds, pollen, certain foods, weather, weather changes, or other things like exercising, getting emotional, having a cold, gerd, etc.

If you are concerned about your reliance on medication to relieve your problem, then you will be pleased to know that there are several simple ways of controlling asthma naturally and effectively that could make a big impact on your life. Asthma is not a problem limited to muscular constriction of the airways. An equally important problem is the inflammation of the lining of the airways. Inflammation can be understood by describing what happens when you scrape your knee. The most common medicine is one called BioVent, which contains many different herbal remedies and other ingredients that may open up air tubes inside of your throat and clear it out to make it easier for you to breathe. BioVent, when used daily, can increase respiratory functioning and health.

As an asthma attack treatment, hypnotherapy can be very effective and safe alternative to the patients. Since asthma can be a very chronic condition that greatly affects the respiratory system of the human body, hypnotherapy is safe to use. Many attacks are a result of contact with irritants like pollen, gas odors, smoke, and exhaust fumes. Attacks can also be caused by foods like chocolate, dairy products, corn and peanuts. The most obvious solution would be for asthma patients to have their immune function restored through nutritional therapies, stress reduction techniques, avoidance of toxic chemicals, and other natural health strategies.

A severe attack is known as status asthmaticus and is potentially fatal; if you suspect you or someone around you has these symptoms, you should seek medical help immediately. Generally you should not take the asthma attack's person to hospital in his own car. However in some situations it may be the best course of action. Another one should always accompany anyone driving the person having an asthma attack to emergency services. If an asthma attack is severe then it may be possible that all of the preceding steps will not decrease the asthma symptoms. In this event, or when a rescue inhaler is not present, you may need to call for emergency medical help.

The classic symptoms of an actual attack include coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath. Wheezing when exhaling is very common during an attack. Often the attack begins with wheezing and rapid breathing and, as respiratory airways constrict and tighten, all breathing muscles become visibly active. In order to better control asthmatic attacks, these triggers should be avoided as much as possible. Allergies also play an important role in the triggering of asthma attacks and allergy treatment can be used as a way to prevent them. There are however various types of asthma treatment.

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