Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Influenza Treatment

Influenza came from an Italian word meaning influence. It is an infectious viral disease and can infect humans, birds and mammals. This virus spreads through the air or any form of body contact. A lot of individuals suffer from influenza every year. More often than not, influenza cases become irreparable if not brought to the care of the proper health professionals. Usually, milder forms of influenza infection can be curable if aggressive treatment measures are applied. There are actually a number of different influenza viruses and they all have the ability to mutate or change. Sometimes they change slowly over time (this is referred to as drift), but sometimes they change suddenly (this is referred to as shift).

The influenza virus is an RNA virus that belongs to the orthomyxoviridae family. Three genera of the influenza virus currently exist. Each influenza virus is identified by the antigenic differences in their nucleoprotein and matrix protein. There are three types of influenza virus; type A, B, and C. Each of them has its own family. Avian influenza for example includes type A. The types of influenza virus are also not same in their fierceness. The strains of both seasonal and swine influenza have similar symptoms and are spread like most illnesses. Symptoms include coughing, sneezing, body aches, chills, fatigue, sore throat, headache, runny nose, fever, and sometimes vomiting and diarrhea.

The acute symptoms may include gastrointestinal symptoms as well. Some other signs of an acute attack of influenza are joints and muscles aches, headache, fever and chill. When observed through an electron microscope, influenza viruses are figured like filaments or spheres. Immunity to one strain of the influenza virus will not protect you against newly born strains of the virus, which has undergone minor changes or mutations. There are two types of influenza vaccines ,TIV (trivalent inactive vaccine) and LAIV (live attenuated influenza vaccine). TIV as the name suggests is inactivated virus and given for infants 6 months of age and older, while LAIV is given to healthy persons 2-49 years old. Influenza B virus is relatively less dangerous and this strain is responsible for smaller outbreaks of the infection. If you are infected with type B once, then your immune system will resist this type of virus for many coming years.

The influenza virus is therefore extremely small and has a size of about 80 to 120 nanometers in diameter. It appears spherical under a microscope. The external side of the virus has a fatty layer covered with glycoprotein spikes. The late symptoms usually appear as the serious form of the early indicators. The fever reaches higher degrees and may come and go at any time of the day and is continuous in pattern. The best way to cure influenza is to go for hot foot baths, and gargle if one suffers from sore throat. Many people take a tea spoonful of raw and unadulterated mustard oil to get back the normal voice. If one experiences mild fever, one can simply take the precaution of not bathing in cold water.

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