Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Cluster Headache Symptoms

Headaches have been causing problems for human beings since the beginning of recorded history. It is among the major reasons for visit to the doctor today. Billions of dollars spent on over-the-counter preparations for headache relief each year. It's a horrible type of headache most base in men that generally comes out behind or around an eye, sometimes glowing to the neck or shoulder and is very tough. However, with none of these factors, a person may still end up with a series of cluster headaches at any point in time. Due to the severity and clear-cut symptoms, it is easy to tell the difference between a normal headache and a cluster headache.

Migraine and cluster headache are the severe head pain. The basic physiology of migraine and cluster headache involve with the dysfunction of trigemino vascular system cause vasodilation (enlargement of blood vessel) and neurologic inflammation. These headaches are severe enough that they can wake a person up from a deep sleep at precisely the same time every night, while the cycle lasts. For this reason, they have been given the nickname "alarm clock" headaches. While most of us experience headaches at one time or another, normally it's something a few aspirin will cure. This is not the case with cluster headaches, and while there are many possible remedies, there has yet to be a definitive cure.

There are many suggested causes, or "triggers" for this type of headache. They include: food, hay fever, stress, alcohol, relaxation, and exposure to heat, cold, or glare. Every individual has different trigger mechanisms so it is important that any person suffering from the cluster headache malady try to figure out what their individual triggers are. The pain of cluster headaches is often excruciating, developing in one eye and then spreads to the same side of the face, forehead or temple. The pain is constant, piercing and tearing in nature, causing its victims to clutch their heads, pacing up and down the rooms (unlike migraine sufferers who want to lie in a darkened, quiet room). Cluster headache sufferers know that a visit to the doctor is needed when the headaches become frequent. Of course, they can happen with no known reason, but they can also be a sign of a bigger issue, neurologically. Should this be the case, it is imperative that treatment be taken by the patient as soon as possible.

Tension headaches are the most commonly reported type of headache, usually caused by unmanaged stress. The reaction to stress causes the tightening of the muscles in the shoulders and neck area. They can often go undiscovered for many years as patients regularly adopt it to be a migraine or other reasons behind headaches. The treatment for cluster headaches doesn't cure the headache itself however it is to alleviate the symptoms such as the discomfort when it happens and to stop the headaches. Common treatments include the use of inhalable or injectable triptans, the inhalation of pure oxygen, and sometimes even very vigorous exercise is effective. If you suffer from Cluster Headaches and have had no luck in finding a treatment that works for you, you are not alone. Check with your doctor on a different treatment option.

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