Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Get Rid Of Roundworms

A parasite is an organism that lives off, and generally within, a host body. This can include your body, or the body of an animal, like your pet. Parasites live off of the "life" of another body, feeding on the nutrients, cells, and organs, of the host. They can reproduce by the thousands, depositing thousands of eggs, or simply replicating by cell division, within the host's tissues and cells. Roundworms are big worms and are typically white in color. They are about the diameter of a spaghetti-strand and approximately 4 inches in length.

The entire lifecycle of the raccoon roundworm occurs in two stages. While the first stage gets completed inside the intestine of the raccoon or the primary host, the second stage or the infective stage occurs in a secondary host that includes several mammals and birds such as humans, squirrels, porcupines and rabbits. The unfortunate thing is that roundworm larva that just hatched from the eggs is immune to any de-worming medicines. Instead, the larva migrates through your pet's intestinal walls until it reaches your pet's lungs. Parasites likely infect everyone. It's estimated that as many as 85% of the world's population is so inflicted. In fact, it's highly likely that you are infected by one or more of over 1000 known parasites which can live in your body at any one time.

Roundworms usually affect dogs and cats but the threat of human infection is very real. Roundworm larva have actually blinded young children and caused several other problems. Children are more prone to the infection, especially from early neonatal to four or five years of age. Physicians also diagnose through microscopic examination of selected tissues, observation of characteristic lesions and the presence of roundworm larvae. Roundworms are parasites that can infect human beings via contact with animals, particularly animal feces. Poor hygiene habits can also cause roundworm infections. An inadequate diet and constipation are contributing factors.

Of course puppy worms is a bit of a misnomer. There are no worms that only infect puppies - the same worms infect adult dogs and sometimes humans. However, puppies are more likely to be infected with worms than adult dogs for a number of reasons. Believe it or not, but at any one time over 90% of the world's population is struggling with these nutrient stealing and energy robbing microscopic organisms. Most of us would be shocked to find out that there are over 1000 different type of parasites that can infect the human being.

Unfortunately, there is currently no effective treatment method available to counter the infection of raccoon roundworm. Hence, it is important to prevent exposure so as to avoid the danger of getting infected with this parasite. Doctors usually suggest brands with pyrantel pamoate as the active ingredient. Worming needs to be done twice or three weeks apart followed by a fecal specimen check three weeks later. This makes it inescapable for many newborn pets to be infested with roundworm at a very early age. Many vets advise that pets be de-wormed later in their pregnancies to prevent them from passing roundworm to their puppies.

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