Monday, July 12, 2010

Adolescents Facts

Human beings grow up in predictable ways. No, not everybody grows up with the same influences or responds in the say ways, but we all go through the same basic steps even in widely different cultures and environments. Adolescence seems to be a chaotic and at the same time, a vibrant period of human life. According to Wolman, "adolescence is a transitional stage of development between childhood and adulthood." It's the period, when young people develop an abstract thinking, awareness of their sexuality and peer-grouping as well.

The primary task, the overriding need of the adolescent during the next decade, is the development of an individual identity. This is no small feat and actually may continue well into adulthood. Peers and peer groups are now far more important than parents or teachers. Physical changes during adolescence are known as puberty. Adolescent girl's experiences menstruation during this stage. Adolescent boy's experiences seminal emission. Further, adolescents also experience sudden bodily changes like growth of pubic hair in different parts of the body like under arms etc.

Everybody is different, and not every child reaches certain stages at the same time as other kids. The most important thing is to be supportive of your adolescent and show patience within healthy boundaries and rules. Be prepared for your adolescent to declare their independence. Your adolescent has an appropriate psychological need to separate from you and establish his/her own identity as an individual. For most adolescents, it is accomplished quietly through the media of clothes, hair, jewelry, music, and the increased importance of close friends.

Most older adolescents are capable of longer sandtray processing and many are quite comfortable talking at length with therapists if the therapeutic relationship is strong. Like adults but probably more so, trust is very important in the relationship. If the relationship is strong, many older adolescents are willing to talk about and focus on core issues, which is not typical of younger adolescents. Everyone has dealt with these issues of sexuality in their adolescence. Fathers only need to remember what it was like for them, and to think about what kind of support they may wish they had but could not find. Mothers only need to realize that boys face just as much pressure and confusion as adolescent girls and should understand the different kinds of social expectations that come into play in their struggles.

If adolescents feel like they can be themselves, it is much more likely that they will grow and change in therapy. Sandtray can be one modality that is a part of this growth process. It is affecting everyday decision. If people evaluate themselves positively, we can say they have high self-esteem. In fact, having a positive self-concept in a particular subject is an ever bigger factor in selecting courses when self-concept in other subjects was low. Thus adolescence when verified is found to be a very important period which needs proper guidance. So adolescent's parents should provide proper source of help and guidance to their children.

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