Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Health Benefits Of Olive Oil

Olive oil benefits have long been made known decades ago. The use of olive oil is an old exercise that continues to exist in the today's world. In fact, even medical studies have connected significant findings to olive oil benefits. The extra virgin kind of olive oil is highly recommended by doctors as it contains several monounsaturated fats and agents which act as antioxidants. The various other benefits of olive oil are mentioned below- have a look! Because of the high levels of monounsaturated fats it contains it helps in the control of cholesterol levels and many problems relating to heart disease.

Harvested olives will first go through grinding and pressing using heavy granite millstones or modern stainless steel rollers to extract the oil. At this point, they never add any chemical so as to preserve its nutrients, aroma and flavor. In essence, the health benefits of olive oil retain. The skin is the most visible example of olive oil benefits to the human body. Olive oil contains crucial vitamins that are instrumental in slowing the aging process. The healthy fatty acids present in olive oil further soft and suppler skin, which is an important component of beauty. Recent studies have shown that those who consume a diet rich in Olive Oil are significantly less likely to develop Rheumatoid Arthritis. The exact reasons are not yet known.

Doctors highly recommend the diabetic people to include this amazing oil in their diet. Researches have proved that food cooked in this healthy oil reduces the risk of getting affected by diabetes. Moreover it reduces the level of triglyceride which can causes heart attack in body. The people were told to not eat foods or drinks containing phenol during the study. The reason they did this was because phenol has already been proven to help control cholesterol levels. Look for extra-virgin olive oil in order to achieve the most antioxidant benefits. Virgin means it was produced in a natural way with no chemicals.

It is also a very healthy oil. It is a monunsaturated fat, which can help lower the LDL cholesterol in your blood stream. By doing so, it lowers your risk of heart disease. There are some indications it may also help reduce the risk of some cancers. More studies need to be done to prove that claim, however. The olive tree and benefits of olive oil have been researched upon and studied for many years. In comparison to other nations, the Mediterranean culture exhibits the health benefits of olive oil. This particular culture uses a high amount of olive oil and little consumption of animal fat. Daily life meant poor quality foodstuffs along with absorbing unimaginable levels of environmental toxins. Mounting research data confirms that the heavy-handed state sponsored environmental decay left the people in an extreme at-risk state.

It is recommended we try to consume a little Olive Oil every day to get the full benefits. Once we have bought our hopefully Extra Virgin Olive Oil we must ensure we care for the oil. The problem with buying it is that it often comes in clear glass bottles.

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