Friday, July 23, 2010

Arteriosclerosis Information

Arteriosclerosis Obliterans, often mispronounced and confused by ordinary people, is the formation of cholesterol-consisting plaques, platelets, fibrin and all substances in your arterial walls that eventually, if neglected, lead to the hardening of the arteries and therefore block arterial (blood) circulation. Hardening of the arteries, almost literally, from the Greek arterio or "artery," and sclerosis or "hardening." The condition occurs when the walls of blood vessels moving oxygenated blood from the heart to other parts of the body become thickened with plaque, narrowing the the space through which the blood can flow.

This obstructs the flow of the blood to different degrees according to the amount of plaque that has collected. This results in insufficient blood supply being carried to the vital organs and lack of oxygen to them. These factors are interrelated in complicated ways, and are causing or amplifying each other. For example, arteriosclerosis will cause higher blood pressure, and high blood pressure will cause even more arteriosclerosis. The largest arteries are as thick as human thumb and the thinner arteries are as thin as hair. These thinner arteries are called arterioles. Arteries have thick outer walls and also thick layers of muscles and elastic fibers.

The inner walls of the arteries consist of an innermost layer of endothelial cells (surface cells) and under these a layer of smooth muscle cells. The changes by atherosclerosis take place under the endothelial cells and in this muscle layer. The blood supply to your heart muscle comes from arteries on its outside surface. The blood that is pumped inside your heart's chambers brings almost no oxygen to your heart muscle. If you have arteriosclerosis, the fatty plaques in your heart's arteries restrict the flow of blood to your heart. Patients with risk of cardiovascular disease are typically subscribed statins to lower their blood cholesterol levels. These drugs are minimally tested in humans, have severe side effects and offer minimal, if any, protection from heart attacks and strokes.

Obviously high cholesterol is the factor with the lowest correlation score here. But this serves the profits of the big pharmaceutical companies in the best way possible. Treatment includes a change in lifestyle like stopping smoking immediately if the person is a smoker, maintain a healthy diet and cut down on fats to control the cholesterol and exercise regularly to keep diabetes and high blood pressure under control. Fat molecules are normally absorbed through the artery walls. When an excess of fatty material starts to resist blood flow, fatty streaks begin to appear on the interior of the arteries. The symptoms of arteriosclerosis are different based on which artery is being affected. Arteries in the calves are most prone to getting a blockage. Other, more serious, blockages can occur in arteries going to the brain, heart, kidneys and abdominal area.

Much can be done today to delay or control arteriosclerosis. Patients with family history of high blood cholesterol or blood vessel disorders should be conscious of the importance of diet. Common Vitamins and over the counter products can help with treating Arteriosclerosis such as Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Eico-Sapentaenoic Acid, Oat Bran, Sytrinol, Pantothenic Acid, Niacin, Policosanol and Antioxidants.

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